With Assembly elections scheduled in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh (bye-elections), some photos and a video are being shared on social media as related to the current election rallies in Bihar and Madya Pradesh. Let’s fact-check the claims made in the posts.
Claim 1: Photos of PM Modi’s recent election rally in Bihar.
Fact: All the photos in the post are the same. The photo was taken at a rally in Patna on 3 March 2019. While it is true that PM Modi held a rally recently in Bihar, the posted photo is old. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
On looking at the photos, it can be observed that all the three posted photos are the same. On running the photo through Google Reverse Image Search, the same photo was found on the website of PM Narendra Modi. In the description, it is written that the photo is related to PM Modi’s NDA Rally at Patna (Bihar) on 03 March 2019. The video related to the event can be watched here. We also found that Narendra Modi has tweeted the same photo on his official Twitter account in 2019. So, the posted photos are not related to the Bihar Assembly Elections – 2020. The recent video showing the public meeting of PM Modi in Patna can be watched here.
Claim 2: Video of Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s election rally in Madhya Pradesh.
Fact: While it is true that the video shows Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s election rally in Indore (Madhya Pradesh), it is not related to the current bye-elections in MP. The video was taken in 2019. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
When the screenshots of the video were run through Google Reverse Image Search, the same video was found on the YouTube channel of ‘Indian National Congress’. The video has the title – ‘Smt. Priyanka Gandhi Vadra addresses a Public Meeting in Indore, Madhya Pradesh’ and was posted on 13 May 2019. So, it is an old video.
To sum it up, old photo and video of election rallies in Bihar and MP are being shared in the current context.
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