In the context of PM Narendra Modi speaking about the Uniform Civil Code recently (here and here), a video of a few hijab-clad women fighting with each other is being shared on social media with a description that reads, ‘Long overdue meeting of Wife no.1, Wife no.2, Wife no.3, and Wife no.4! This is why Uniform Civil Code is required in India.’ Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Four wives of an Indian Muslim man fighting with each other.
Fact: This video is from Lebanon and shows a few mothers of children studying in the Beddawi School in Tripoli, North Lebanon. Hence, the claim made in the post is False.
We performed a reverse image search on a few key frames to learn more details about the viral video. This search led us to several news reports on this incident.
Reportedly, a fight broke out between a few mothers in a school in Tripoli, North Lebanon. These news reports (here and here) mentioned that the video of them quarrelling with each other while carrying their babies spread like wildfire on social media in Lebanon and Arab countries.
To sum up, the video of a fight between women in a school in Lebanon is falsely attributed to India.