A post is being widely shared on Facebook claiming that the photos in the post show Congress President Sonia Gandhi. Also, in another post with some photos, users are commenting that they belong to Sonia Gandhi. But FACTLY has found that most of the photos in those posts show Ursula Andress. Those photos are stills of Ursula Andress from the movie ‘Dr. No’, in which she was the lead actress. ‘Dr. No’ is the first movie in ‘James Bond’ series and was released in 1962.
Claim –
1. Facebook post (archived)
2. Facebook post (archived)
Fact –
1. News Article – https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/james-bond-dr-no-behind-scenes-photos-sean-connery-ursula-andress-1439257
2. Getty Images – https://www.gettyimages.in/detail/news-photo/actors-ursula-andress-and-sean-connery-in-a-scene-from-dr-news-photo/74106336
3. Alamy stock photos – https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-dr-no-ursula-andress-1962-128114232.html
4. Alamy stock photos – https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-dr-no-england-1962-regie-terence-young-bild-sean-connery-u-ursula-114373514.html
5. IMDB – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055928/
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