Amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis, a photo through a post is being widely shared on social media claiming that TIME magazine had featured Vladimir Putin with ‘Hitler moustache’ in its latest issue. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Photo of the latest issue of TIME magazine featuring Vladimir Putin with Hitler moustache.
Fact: The photo is an artwork created by Patrick Mulder, a graphic designer. Though the latest TIME magazine cover has the same headline and subheading, it features military personnel with a Tank but not Vladimir Putin with Hitler moustache. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched for the latest front cover of TIME Magazine, a photo was found in the official Twitter handle of TIME magazine. Though the cover has the same headline and subheading, it features military personnel with a Tank but not Vladimir Putin with a Hitler moustache.
A simple Google Search on ‘TIME magazine covers’, took us to the Vault, the TIME Magazine’s online archive where all the covers published by the magazine are stored. When one looks for the TIME magazine covers for the year 2022, none of them featured the cover of Vladimir Putin with a Hitler moustache.
A Twitter user named Patrick Mulder confirmed that he created the artwork of Vladimir Putin with a Hitler moustache, on the same day Russia invaded Ukraine. Patrick Mulder, according to his bio, is a graphic designer who says that he originally did not intend the artwork to be a TIME cover.
To sum it up, a digitally created image is shared as TIME magazine front cover featuring Vladimir Putin with a Hitler moustache.