English, Fake News

Visuals of Argentina football fans celebrating Copa America cup victory is linked to Cuba protests


A video is being shared on social media claiming it as the visuals of Cuban citizens demonstrating in a protest against the ruling Communist party government in Cuba. On 11 July 2021, thousands of Cubans took to the streets to protest the Government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the grave economic crisis in the country. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.

Claim: Video of thousands of Cubans demonstrating in a protest against the ruling Communist party government in Cuba.

Fact: This video shows Argentina football fans celebrating Copa America final victory in Buenos Aires. Thousands of Argentinan football fans gathered at Obelisco landmark in Beunos Aires and celebrated Copa America championship victory. This video has nothing to do with the ongoing anti-government protests in Cuba. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.

On reverse image search of the screenshots in the video, a similar video was found in a tweet made on 12 July 2021. This user described it as Cuban citizens’ protest against their ruling Communist party Government. But, several users in the response section have clarified that the visuals show Argentinan football fans celebrating the Copa America final victory in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Those tweets can be seen here and here. ‘Tuitealo’ news channel has shared a similar video on their YouTube channel by mentioning it as the massive celebrations at Obelisk in Buenos Aires.

When we searched for more sources regarding this video, similar visuals were found in a video published by ‘Guardian Football’ YouTube channel on 11 July 2021. The description of the video states, ‘Argentinians celebrate Copa America victory in Buenos Aires’. This video reported that thousands of Argentinan citizens had celebrated the Copa America final victory at Obelisco landmark in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Reporting the same, several other news websites have shared similar videos on their YouTube channels. They can be seen here and here.

Obelisco, the national historical monument of Argentina is located in Argentina’s capital city, Buenos Aires. The ‘Google Maps’ images of Obelisco monument in Buenos Aires can be seen here and here. These visuals look similar to the landmark visible in the video. From all these pieces of evidence, it can be concluded that the video shared in the post is related to Argentina’s Copa America victory celebrations.

To sum it up, a video of Argentinan football fans celebrating the Copa America victory is being linked to the Cuba protests.


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