A photo of US President Joe Biden and PM Narendra Modi is being widely circulated on social media. In this photo, a Mahabharatha chariot wall painting can be seen behind the two leaders. Let’s fact-check this photo through this article.

Claim: A photo of a meeting between Joe Biden and Modi in a room with a Mahabharatha wall painting.
Fact: The viral photo has been manipulated, and the original version of the image does not feature a Mahabharatha wall painting. Hence, the claim made in the post is False.
Firstly, we performed a reverse image search online to check the claim’s veracity. This led us to a Tweet of PM Narendra Modi, which contained a set of photos, out of which one is identical to the viral photo.
These photos were captured during the meeting of US President Joe Biden with PM Modi at 7, Lok Kalyan Marg. The photo, which is identical to the viral photo, is a wider shot in which many other delegates can be seen apart from Biden, Modi, and two other women. The viral photo was created by cropping this photo to which a Mahabharatha chariot wall painting was added.
Check out the following collage to understand this.

A video of PM Modi’s meeting with Joe Biden was also uploaded on the official YouTube channel of PM Modi.
To sum up, this photo of Joe Biden and Narendra Modi sitting in a room with a Mahabharatha wall painting is edited.