A screenshot of a news bulletin purportedly reported by ‘Kasturi 24’ Kannada news channel is being shared on social media claiming that Janata Dal (Secular) Party leader H. D. Kumaraswamy has secretly got engaged to Mia Khalifa in his farmhouse. Further, this post claims that the JD(S) Party high command has decided to expel H. D. Kumaraswamy following his engagement with Mia Khalifa. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: JD(S) party leader Kumaraswamy has secretly got engaged to Mia Khalifa in his farmhouse.
Fact: Neither the ‘Kasturi 24’ Kannada news channel nor any other news channel reported news of JD(S) leader Kumaraswamy getting secretly engaged with Mia Khalifa. This screenshot was created by a Facebook meme page to troll Kumaraswamy. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched to check whether the ‘Kasturi 24’ has reported any such news recently on their channel, we could not find any such news on the ‘Kasturi 24’ YouTube channel and on their other social media handles. If JD(S) leader H. D. Kumaraswamy had got engaged with Mia Khalifa, several news websites would have published articles reporting that information. But we could any such report.
When we searched with keywords, we found the same screenshot posted on a Facebook page. This Facebook page had created several memes and shared them on their page to troll Kumaraswamy and other Congress leaders in Karnataka. A few videos showing the ‘Kasturi 24’ news bulletin visuals can be seen here and here. From all these pieces of evidence, it can be concluded that the ‘Kasturi 24’ news channel has not reported the news of Kumaraswamy’s engagement with Mia Khalifa but was created as a meme.
To sum it up, the ‘Kasturi 24’ news channel did not report that H. D. Kumaraswamy secretly got engaged to Mia Khalifa.