A post is being shared on social media claiming that Switzerland had banned electric vehicles (EVs) in the country. Multiple other users have also shared similar posts claiming that the Swiss government had enforced a ban on electric vehicles due to an expected energy crisis during the winter in their country. Let’s verify the claims made by these posts.

Claim: Switzerland banned electric vehicles in their country.
Fact: Recently, the Switzerland government drafted an emergency ordinance proposing restrictions and prohibitions on the use of electric energy to avoid the power crisis during the winter season. As part of this ordinance, the Switzerland government proposed a partial ban on the usage of electric vehicles to avoid power shortages. But, as on 09 December 2022, the ‘Ordinance on Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Use of Electric Energy’ is not enforced in Switzerland. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
On searching for the details of the claim made in the post, we found a few latest news reports informing of a possible partial ban on the usage of electric vehicles in Switzerland. The ‘Live Mint’ in the latest press report clarified that the Switzerland government has not yet enforced a ban on electric vehicles in their country, but drafted an ordinance proposing regulations on the usage of electric energy to avoid the power crisis during the winter season. Reporting the same, several news websites published articles. They can be seen here, here, and here.

As on 09 December 2022, the ‘Ordinance on Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Use of Electric Energy is not enforced by the Switzerland government and is still at a draft stage. The Swiss government just prepared the draft and sent for an abridged consultation until 12 December 2022.

Even if the ‘Ordinance on Restrictions and Prohibitions on the Use of Electric Energy’ is implemented, the usage of electric vehicles will not be restricted in all cases. The draft produced by the Switzerland government reads, “The private use of electric cars is only permitted for absolutely necessary journeys (e.g. exercising one’s profession, shopping, visiting the doctor, attending religious events, attending court appointments).” The proposed restrictions on the usage of electric vehicles and others will be enforced only when the power shortages in Switzerland reaches the ‘Escalation Step 3’ stage mentioned in the proposed ordinance.

To sum it up, Switzerland drafted an emergency ordinance proposing a partial ban on electric vehicles amid the power crisis. However, this ordinance is not yet enforced as of 09 December 2022.