The Kerala Mahila Congress Chief Lathika Subhash recently got her head tonsured in front of the party office after being denied the party ticket for the assembly election. In this context, a social media post accompanying an image of a purported tweet by Rahul Gandhi congratulating Mahila Congress president of Kerala who tonsured her head is being widely shared across all social media platforms. The purported tweet also shares an image of Lathika. Through this article let’s fact-check the veracity of the claim.
Claim: Rahul Gandhi’s tweet congratulating Mahila Congress president of Kerala who tonsured her head.
Fact: There is no such tweet congratulating the Kerala Mahila Congress president on Rahul Gandhi’s timeline. The image shared in the purported tweet has straight edges and the tweet goes beyond the drop-down menu which is at the top right corner (vertical dots) of a tweet, which is not the case generally. This proves that the image of the tweet is digitally created. Further, there are no media reports about such a tweet by Rahul Gandhi congratulating the Kerala Mahila Congress president. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
Twitter advance search with relevant keywords on Rahul Gandhi’s official twitter account did not yield any such tweet congratulating Mahila Congress president of Kerala who tonsured her head. Further, upon juxtaposing an image of an actual tweet by Rahul Gandhi which shared an image with that of the image in the post, we can find few discrepancies between the two.
When we share an image via a tweet, the image appears with curved edges. However, the image of the purported tweet has straight edges. Also, the alignment of the image in the purported tweet is different from that of the original alignment. The image shared in the purported tweet goes beyond the drop-down menu which is at the top right corner (vertical dots) of a tweet, which is not the case generally. Also, there are no media reports about such a tweet by Rahul Gandhi congratulating the Kerala Mahila Congress president. All these establish that the purported tweet is digitally created, and Rahul Gandhi did not tweet congratulating the Kerala Mahila Congress president who tonsured her head.
To sum it up, Rahul Gandhi did not tweet congratulating Kerala Mahila Congress president who tonsured her head.