A video is being shared on social media in which a person claims that Bhagat Singh praised Mughals while responding to a British judge during his trial. ‘The Siasat Daily’ has also published an article based on the same video. It is being claimed that Bhagat Singh said to the judge – “Your rule is like a sponge which sucks the jewels and diamonds of Ganga and squeezes it at the Thames in England. You get rich by our wealth and progress. The Mughals ruled our hearts and unlike you, they did not take India’s wealth outside. They spent it here, they enriched India, made monuments and died and got buried in its soil. They made India a Golden Bird opulence of which brought you here from across the seven seas.” Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Bhagat Singh said – “Your rule is like a sponge which sucks the jewels and diamonds of Ganga and squeezes it at the Thames in England….The Mughals ruled our hearts and unlike you, they did not take India’s wealth outside.”
Fact: No authentic evidence attributing these statements to Bhagat Singh was found. The person in the posted video claims that the same can be found in the ‘Grover and Grover’ book. But no such statements by Bhagat Singh were found in the BL Grover’s Modern Indian History book. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched on the internet if any such statements were made by Bhagat Singh during his trial, no authentic evidence attributing these statements to Bhagat Singh was found. The documents related to his trial can be found here.
The person in the posted video claims that the same can be found in the ‘Grover and Grover’ book. We could not find any such book containing the same statements. However, there is a Modern Indian History Book written by BL Grover and Alka Mehta. Even in that book, no such statements by Bhagat Singh were found. However, a similar statement with respect to the Thames and Ganga rivers – “Our system acts very much like a sponge, drawing up all the good things from the banks of the Ganges, and squeezing them down on the banks of the Thames”, is attributed to John Sullivan (President, Board of Revenue, Madras), not Bhagat Singh, in that book.
To sum it up, there is no evidence of Bhagat Singh making these statements praising Mughals during his trial.