A photo of former Indian Cricket captain M.S Dhoni wearing a Taqiyah (muslim cap) is being shared widely claiming that “DHONI accepted ISLAM”. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: A photo of MS Dhoni wearing a Muslim cap after accepting Islam.
Fact: This photo is a morphed one. It is created by digitally placing a Muslim cap on his head and erasing Sindoor from his forehead. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
Reverse image search of the photo led us to a 2010 article published on NDTV sports website. In this article, a photo of Dhoni along with his wife waving from their balcony can be seen. Reverse image search of this photo led us to a similar picture from different angle.
When both the images are compared, it is evident that the viral image is morphed by placing a taqiyah (Muslim cap) and by erasing Kumkum/Sindoor from his forehead. All the other elements like T-shirt, hand gestures, background wall, shadows etc are same in both images.
Moreover, there are no reports of Dhoni converting to Islam. Had Dhoni accepted Islam, it would have been widely reported.
To sum it up, a morphed photo of MS Dhoni is being falsely shared as him accepting Islam.