English, Fake News

An edited photo created by a digital artist is falsely shared as a photo of ‘Wolf Mountain’ in Norway


A photo is being shared widely on social media with a claim that it shows the Wolf Mountain in Norway. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of this post can be found here

Claim: Photo of the Wolf Mountain in Norway.

Fact: It is an edited photo. The Segla mountain in Norway has been edited to look like a rock formation in the shape of the wolf howling at the moon. The digital artist – Michelle von Kalben has also clarified to FACTLY that it is an edited photo created by her. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When the posted photo was run through Google Reverse Image Search, the same photo was found to be posted by a Facebook page – ‘Launch Dsigns’. In the description of the photo, it was written – ‘Art by @michellevonkalben’. So, when searched for the given profile, the photo was found to be uploaded by ‘michellevonkalben’ profile on Instagram. Michelle von Kalben is a digital artist. She has posted the same photo on her profile on 13 March 2021 and wrote – ‘I changed the shape of the mountain a little so that it would look more like a wolf to create a more unique and magical scene.’

When FACTLY contacted Michelle von Kalben for further clarification, she has sent us the original version of the photo. The differences between the original and edited versions can be observed below:

So, the Segla mountain in Norway has been edited to look like a rock formation in the shape of the wolf howling at the moon. Other photos of the Segla mountain can be seen here, here, and here.

To sum it up, an edited photo created by a digital artist is falsely shared as a photo of ‘Wolf Mountain’ in Norway.


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