A screenshot of an offer letter from ‘Urbancroptc.org’ was received on FACTLY’s WhatsApp helpline number. The sender asked us to check the authenticity of the letter as they were issuing the job offers in the name of Agriculture Ministry, Government of India. Another screenshot was also received where a job applicant was complaining in a consumer complaint forum (complaint 1 and complaint 2) that he paid money to ‘Urbancroptc.org’ and received an offer letter, but they are not responding to his calls thereafter. Let’s try to check the authenticity of the offer letters being sent in the name of Agriculture Ministry.
Claim: Central government jobs available under the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Scheme by Urbancroptc.org, which works with the Agriculture Ministry.
Fact: There is no central government scheme with the name, ‘Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Scheme’. There is a scheme called ‘Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme’ but it comes under the Ministry of Rural Development and guarantees only unskilled work for a specific period (at least 100 days) in a financial year, not for 14 years. Also, there are a lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes in the offer letter and on the company’s website. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
In the offer letter, it can be found that ‘Ministry of Agriculture’ was written on the letterhead. But, the Agriculture Ministry in India is called as “Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare”, not “Ministry of Agriculture”. It was also written in the letter that the salaries and other benefits to the selected candidates would be provided under the ‘Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Scheme’ for fourteen years. So, when you search for the scheme, it was found that there is no scheme with that name. There is a scheme called ‘Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme’ but it is under the Ministry of Rural Development and guarantees only unskilled work for a specific period (at least 100 days) in a financial year for people in rural areas, not for 14 years.
In the offer letter and on the company’s website, it can be seen that there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors. No genuine reputed company, which works with the government, will have such errors.
The Company Registration Number is also given in the offer letter at the bottom. So, when searched for the company on the Ministry of Corporate Affairs website with the name ‘urbancroptc’, it was found that no such company was registered with the government.
Also, none of the phone numbers and social media hyperlinks given on their website are working. The address of the office is given as ‘3rd Floor-Kohinoor Plaza-Mumbai’, which does not exist and is a modified version of the name of an iconic building – ‘Kohinoor Square’ (Mumbai).
FACTLY has also contacted relevant officials in the Ministry and the screenshots of the letter were sent to them. This article will be updated once they respond.
To sum it up, ‘Urbancroptc.org’ is a dubious organization and the ‘central government job offers’ from them are fake.
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