A video of multiple vehicles crashing into each other on a highway is being shared on social media. The posts claim that this incident happened recently in Indore. Let’s know the details behind this video through this article.
Claim: Visuals of a vehicles piling-up on a highway in Indore due to dense fog.
Fact: The viral video is from an accident that took place on the Agra-Noida Yamuna Expressway in 2017. Reportedly, eighteen cars slammed into each other on the expressway due to dense fog that led to low visibility. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
To check the claim’s veracity, we performed a basic keyword search on the internet, leading us to a YouTube video that contained the same visuals as the viral post. The video titled’ Massive pile up on Agra Delhi Highway’ was uploaded to YouTube on 8 November 2017.
To learn further details about the accident, we refined our keywords and searched the internet, which led us to news reports and another YouTube video related to this accident. According to a news report published by India Today on 8 November 2018, ‘Eighteen cars rammed into each other on the Agra-Noida Yamuna Expressway due to low visibility. Speeding cars rammed into one another while people on the footpath were shouting and requesting the drivers to slow down.’ This incident happened because of the dense fog covering the road’s surface. A few more news reports on this incident can be read here and here.
To sum it up, this video of cars piling up on an expressway due to dense fog is from 2017.