A photo is being shared on social media claiming it to be a picture of China testing the capability of a car in 1993. The photo shows a group of more than 10 men standing on a wooden roof placed on a car. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.

Claim: Photo showing how China tested the capability of a car in 1993.
Fact: The photo was captured while demonstrating the strength of AUDI’s DKW “Front Reichsklasse” Type F7 car in Berlin city in Germany. The photo shows 30 men standing on the roof of the Audi Company’s DKW’s Type F7 car launched in 1937. The photo has nothing to do with China. Hence, the claim made in the post is False.
On reverse image search of the photo shared in the post, the same photo was found published on the ‘Alamy’ website, with the description, “Demonstration of the load capacity of a DKW type “Reichsklasse” F7.” The description of the photo stated that the picture was taken by Sueddeutsche Zeitung on 01 January 1920 in Berlin city in Germany. But a disclaimer is provided below the photo stating, “This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage. DKW “Reichsklasse” F7, 1937. “Demonstration of the load capacity of a DKW type “”Reichsklasse”” F7.”. Date created: 01/01/1937-31/12/1937”.

The Audi MediaCenter published the same image with the title, “30 men on the roof of a DKW “Front Reichsklasse” Type F7. The photo was taken to demonstrate the strength of the DKW`s wooden coachwork.” Many websites published articles reporting that Audi had launched the DKW F7 version car in 1937. The details of Audi’s DKW cars can be seen here.

To sum it up, this photo of 30 men standing on a car was taken in Germany while testing Audi’s DKW F7 car, and it has nothing to do with China.