English, Fake News

This is not the funeral procession picture of the 2019 Sri Lankan blast victims


An image is being shared on Facebook by some users claiming that the image is taken at the funeral procession of the victims in the Sri Lankan bomb blasts (2019). Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post.

The archived version of the post can be found here.

Claim 1: The image posted is taken at the funeral procession of victims killed in the Sri Lankan Easter bombings (2019), allegedly carried out by the ISIS.

Fact: The image was taken way back in 2006 when people carried the coffins of 61 victims killed in a bomb attack at Kebitogollewa (Sri Lanka). Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When the image posted on Facebook is run through Google Reverse Image Search, the links to similar images can be found in the search results. As the image posted has ‘Getty Images’ written over it, the Getty Images link in the search results is opened. Then, it can be found that the photo was taken back in 2006.  The picture has the following description, “Sri Lankan mourners carry the coffins for 61 victims killed in a bomb attack at Kebitogollewa in north-central Sri Lanka, 16 June 2006. A powerful land mine ripped through an overcrowded bus 15 June, killing 64 people including 15 children, and wounded 80 others in an attack blamed on Tamil Tiger rebels, who have denied involvement.” So, the image is of the procession of 2006 blast victims, killed in the attack carried out by Tamil Tiger rebels.

Finally, this Sri Lankan funeral procession photo, being shared as the funeral procession of the victims in the Sri Lankan bomb blasts (2019) is actually that of 2006 blast victims, killed in the attack carried out by Tamil Tiger rebels.


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  1. Buddhi Prabhath on

    The post this picture in that I’m sharing refer to the kebithigollewa incident not Easter bombing

  2. aruna mahendra dissanayake on

    We are not going to tell about easter attack. This happened as result of ltte attack. Reason to share is Srilankan Tamil always insult and issued viral speach against majority. They are culptrits to begining everything. Instead of talking unity they need only evoke seperation.
