A photo of Prahlad Jani Baba is being widely shared on social media claiming that he died on 10 October 2022. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: Prahlad Jani died on 10 October 2022.
Fact: According to several media reports, Prahlad Jani died on 26 May 2020, not recently. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
We searched the internet about Prahlad Jani and found many news reports about him. According to these reports, Prahlad Jani had died on 26 May 2020. These reports can be read here and here.
According to a BBC report, Prahlad Jani claimed that he had given up eating and drinking for the last 79 years and meditation gives him energy. Though several tests were conducted on this breatharian monk, several doctors questioned the credibility of the tests and dismissed the observation results as impossible.
To sum it up, Prahlad Jani died on 26 May 2020, not recently