A social media post that claims popular God man Pradeep Mishra’s son failed in 8th class is being widely shared across social media platforms. The viral post juxtaposes a video of Mishra where he advises students to offer a honey laced leaf of Bel to Shivling in order to pass the exam, with that of a news paper clip that reported about his son failing the 8th class exam. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Popular God man Pradeep Mishra’s son failed to clear 8th class exam.
Fact: As per the news reports, Pradeep Mishra’s son has passed 8th class and in fact got promoted to 9th. The school management also confirmed the same. However, they clarified that as per RTE act, he had to take reappear in exams for subjects where he scored low initially. This reappearance is misconstrued as him failing the exam. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
This alleged news of Pradeep Mishra’s son failing 8th class went viral after Sehore district’s Congress spokesperson Pankaj Sharma claimed so. However, the available information related to the issue says otherwise.
Google search with relevant keywords yielded news articles that reported Pradeep Mishra’s son has passed 8th class and is admitted to 9th class. ‘Pandit Pradeep Mishra’s son Raghav Mishra is a student of Sharda Vidya Mandir Sehore. He has passed class VIII examination and has taken admission in class 9. We saw his mark sheet; he has not failed in any subject in the 8th examination. It is clear from this that politicization has also taken place to tarnish the reputation of Pradeep Mishra’ reported abplive.
As per this article, Pradeep Mishra’s son is studying in Sharda Vidya Mandir and the article also shared the mark-sheet of Pradeep Mishra’s son. Another news article which shared the mark-sheet of Mishra’s son can be read here. From this, it is evident that he is passed in all the subjects and got promoted to 9th.
Digital news agency Lallantop contacted Gaurav Sharma, the class teacher of Pradeep Mishra’s son, according to Gaurav, ‘the story of the failure of the son of Pradeep Mishra is just a rumour. Term-2 numbers are made the base in the final result. The marks of Pradeep Mishra’s son were low in two papers of the same term-2, Maths, and Social Science. After that, he had to give re-exam and he passed in it. The Right to Education Act also says that if the marks are low, then there will be a chance for re-exam. Some people spread misleading news by calling this re-exam a failure. A total of ten children, including Pradeep Mishra’s son, gave the re-exams. Pradeep’s son has just reached the ninth standard and I am still his class teacher.’
Further, Lallantop spoke to Sehore district’s Congress spokesperson Pankaj Sharma, to which he said ‘Pradeep Mishra’s son failed in the first time but passed in the re-exam. I raised questions on failing in the paper before the re-exam.’
Thus, it is evident that reappearance in exams in subjects wherein he scored low is misconstrued as him failing 8th class. However, as per the RTE act, 5th and 8th class students are allowed to retake exams in they scored low marks.
To sum it up, Pradeep Mishra’s son has passed 8th class and in fact got promoted to 9th class.