A photo is being shared on social media claiming it as a recent picture of five people from a Hindu family converting to Islam in Rajasthan. Sharing the photo, this post accuses the Ashok Gehlot led Congress Government of Rajasthan of turning a blind eye to religious conversions in the state. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: Recent picture of a Hindu family converting to Islam in Rajasthan.
Fact: This photo shows a recent religious conversion visual from the Narsingdi district in Bangladesh. Five people from the same Hindu family have recently converted to Islam in Madhabadi village in Narsingdi district. This photo has nothing to do with Rajasthan. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
On reverse image search of the photo shared in the post, similar photos were found in a Facebook post made by a Bangladesh national named Hasan Aoib. He described it as the visuals of five members from the same Hindu family converting to Islam in Madhabadi village of Narsingdi district, Bangladesh. Hasan Aoib had shared a YouTube video link in the description of the Facebook post. This video shows the live religious conversion visuals of the Hindu family seen in the photo. The description of the video states, “After listening to Mizanur Rahman Azhari’s Waz, five people converted to Islam. Mizanur rahman azhari Narsingdi” (text translated from Bengali to English).
When we searched for more information related to this religious conversion, similar photos were found in recent articles published by the Bangladesh-based local news websites. They can be seen here and here. All these news articles reported that five members from the same family in the Madhabdi municipal area of Narsingdi district have converted to Islam from Hinduism.
To sum it up, a religious conversion picture from Bangladesh is shared as visuals of a Hindu family converting to Islam in Rajasthan.