Photo of a road captured at two different times is widely shared on social media. While the part with heavy traffic is claimed to be captured during the times of Coronavirus, the other part with empty roads is attributed Solar Eclipse day on 21 June 2020. Let’s verify the claims about the time when the photo was captured.
Claim: Photo comparing traffic on a road during the time of Coronavirus and Solar Eclipse day.
Fact: While the part of the photo showing heavy traffic was captured on 5 February 2020, much before the spread of COVID-19 in India, the other part showing empty roads was shot on 22 March 2020, the Janata Curfew day where a Nationwide curfew was imposed by the Government of India. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
On reverse image search, it is found out that these photos were shot and published by a Bangalore based photographer Manjunath Kiran. To show the impact of Janata curfew in Bangalore, he shared these two different instances of traffic in Bangalore. These photos illustrate that a Busy traffic area in Bangalore was seen deserted during the day of Janata curfew. On 22 March 2020, a complete Nationwide Janata (civil) curfew was imposed by the Government of India as a precautionary measure to control the spread of COVID-19 in India.
To sum it up, photos shared in context of Janata curfew were falsely illustrated as phobia in public about Solar Eclipse.
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