A photo is being shared on social media with a claim that it shows an article published by the ‘OpIndia’ on Greta Thunberg. The article in the photo mentions that Greta Thunberg’s real name is ‘Ghazala Bhat’ and shows Greta wearing a hijab. A lot of social media users are sharing posts related to Greta Thunberg, a ‘Climate and environmental activist’, as she has recently tweeted in support of India’s protesting farmers. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: OpIndia’s article on Greta Thunberg says her real name is ‘Ghazala Bhat’.
Fact: The article mentioned in the photo has not been published by the OpIndia. It is an edited photo. The OpIndia has also mentioned that it is a fake image. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched for the article mentioned in the photo, no such article was found on the website of OpIndia. On observing the posted photo, one can see that there is an orange line below the ‘Home’ symbol, which denotes that the homepage of the website is open. But the actual template of OpIndia’s homepage is quite different from the posted photo. Also, in a couple of articles, the OpIndia has mentioned that the image is fake. Those articles can be read here and here.
The photo of Greta Thunberg wearing a hijab is also an edited one. The original image can be found on the Pixabay website. More details regarding Greta Thunberg can be read here and here.
To sum it up, a morphed image is being shared falsely on social media with a claim that the OpIndia has published an article on Greta Thunberg saying her real name is ‘Ghazala Bhat’.