English, Fake News

No Evidence Supports Wrist Accessories Curing Medical Conditions; Viral Report Digitally Edited


A video features a man claiming that a UK study has found that wearing wrist accessories can prevent paralysis. The video shares a screenshot of the alleged study and connects this finding to Hindu mythology, which recommends wearing a holy bracelet on the wrist. It suggests that Hindu mythology had long advocated what the UK study is now claiming (here). In this article, we fact-check the claim made in the post.

The archived version of this post can be found here

Claim: Video claiming UK study has found wearing wrist accessories can prevent paralysis.

Fact: There is no study confirming that copper accessories cure medical conditions. The original report, shown in the screenshot from the viral video, actually focuses on copper bracelets and arthritis, stating there is no evidence supporting the claim that wearing copper bracelets has any benefit. The headline has been digitally altered to relate it to wrist accessories and paralysis. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

If we closely examine the source document shown in the viral video, it actually discusses copper bracelets and arthritis. Using the byline and date from the video as clues, we searched the internet with relevant keywords. This led us to the original report, published in ‘Medical News Today’ on 16 April 2024 which matched the date and byline.

However, the original report does not mention any discovery regarding wrist accessories preventing paralysis. Instead, it focuses on copper bracelets and arthritis, stating there is no evidence to support the claim that wearing copper bracelets has any benefit. The report explains, “There is evidence that the copper in foods may reduce inflammation in the body and is an essential nutrient for bone health. However, there is a lack of evidence supporting copper absorption from bracelets.”

The headline of the report reads, “Do copper bracelets help with arthritis?” This clearly indicates that the report’s title is digitally edited to link wrist accessories to paralysis. Moreover, we found no study by any reputable institution or scientist claiming that copper accessories cure medical conditions.

To sum it up, no reports indicate that wrist accessories cure medical conditions; the viral report has been digitally edited.


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