Lately, several parts of Karnataka have been witnessing pro and anti-hijab protests. A video from PES college of Mandya wherein a hijab clad student named Bibi Muskan Khan was confronted by saffron clad students went viral across social media platforms. In this context, a social media post accompanying a video showing visuals of Muskan Khan being featured on the Burj Khalifa is widely circulated across social media platforms. The post claims that Dubai has honoured the Indian daughter Muskan by displaying her image on Burj Khalifa. Through this article, let’s fact-check the veracity of the video shared in the post.

Claim: Visuals of Karnataka’s Muskan Khan featured on Burj Khalifa.
Fact: Karnataka’s Muskan Khan was not featured on Burj Khalifa. There are no such reports in support of the viral claim. The viral visuals are digitally made. It is evident as the image of Muskan in the viral video exceeds the building contours, which shows the image of her is superimposed on the video. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
Whenever Burj Khalifa is lit up on specific occasions, the visuals related to that event is usually shared on official social media platforms of Burj Khalifa like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Hence, we searched these social media accounts, but we could not find any video or image of Muskan Khan featured on Burj Khalifa.
In case visuals of Muskan Khan were featured on Burj Khalifa, Indian media would have reported it, however, we could not find any such reports.
The viral video carries the TikTok logo and the username reads ‘@md.mahinkhan60’. Taking a cue from this search on TikTok using TOR browser led us to the original video with better resolution on this account. Most probably this could be the source of the viral video.
Upon careful observation of this TikTok video, at some instances, we can clearly spot the image of Muskan exceeding the contours of the Burj Khalifa building, as if the image of Muskan is superimposed on another video. This is also evident from the viral video.

Similarly, even after the video is completely played, the name Muskahan in the same size and font still appears on the screen as if the name Muskahan is used as a watermark overlaid on the video.

Further, it is noteworthy to mention that the name of the girl is spelt as ‘Muskahan’, whereas all the news reports spelt her as ‘Muskan’. All these establish that the viral video is digitally made to look as if Muskan was featured on Burj Khalifa.
To sum it up, Karnataka’s Muskan Khan did not feature on Burj Khalifa. The viral visuals are digitally morphed.