A post claims that Rajya Sabha MP Jaya Bachchan gave a heartfelt speech about senior citizens by stating to ‘kill the senior citizens after 65 years’ as the government is not paying attention to them. Further, she demanded certain privileges for the welfare of senior citizens. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.

Claim: Jaya Bachchan made a heartfelt speech about the senior citizens of this country and demanded the privileges.
Fact: Jaya Bachchan stated that people above 60 years of age in India are projected to reach 41% by 2031 and questioned the government about its provisions and action plan for a dignified life for senior citizens in her address during he motion of thanks speech to the president’s address on 08 February 2023. However, the claims made in the post were not addressed by her. Hence, the claim made in the post is Misleading.
With the relevant keyword search about the claims made in the post, we found news reports and Jaya Bachchan’s original speech (here and here) in the session. Jaya Bachchan raised senior citizens’ issues in her address during the motion of thanks speech to the president’s address in Rajya Sabha on 08 February 2023. The issue of senior citizens was one of the four issues she spoke about in the parliament. However, we did not find the statements made in the claim post as mentioned by MP in her speech.

She stated that people above 60 years of age in India are projected to reach 41% by 2031 and questioned the government about its provisions and action plan for a dignified life for senior citizens. Moreover, other countries provide social security to the disabled, elderly people, and the handicapped but such a provision is not present in India.

She also spoke about women’s welfare and their dignity in society and the lack of mention of the Nirbhaya Fund in the president’s address. Further, she spoke about the plight of sanitation workers, pointed out the government’s disregard for the artistic community, and ended her speech with a demand to conduct the caste-based census.
To sum up, Jaya Bachchan’s address during the Motion of thanks to the president’s address is shared with a misleading claim.