The photo of a notice is being shared widely on social media that NPR (National Population Register) document needs to be mandatorily submitted in banks. The post also claims that if the document is not submitted, the bank account will be blocked and asks people to withdraw money from the accounts before 31 March 2020. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post.
Claim: NPR document is mandatory to withdraw money from the bank accounts from 01 April 2020.
Fact: No such circular has been issued by the Reserve Bank of India. NPR document is one of the Officially Valid Documents (OVD) which need to be submitted for the KYC verification. NPR document is not mandatory; any other Officially Valid Document can be submitted. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When searched about the notice on Google, it was found that no such notice/circular was issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Also, no such order was issued by the government. When a similar message went viral with the photo of Central Bank of India advertisement in January 2020, the Central Bank of India has clarified that the NPR document is not mandatory, ‘any 1 document’ from the list of Officially Valid Documents can be submitted for the KYC verification. The detailed fact-check by FACTLY can be read here.
On the official website of RBI, in the ‘Master Direction – Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016’, it can be seen that ‘letter issued by the National Population Register containing details of name and address’ is included in the ‘Officially Valid Document’ (OVD) list. The ‘Master Direction – Know Your Customer (KYC) Direction, 2016’ is regularly updated and recently, it has been updated on 9th January 2020. Even in the updated direction, there is no mention of mandatory submission of the NPR document for the KYC verification. So, NPR document is not mandatory to withdraw money from the bank accounts.,
To sum it up, the notice which claims that NPR document is mandatory to withdraw money from the banks from 01 April 2020 is fake.
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