A photo of a letter was forwarded to FACTLY to check its authenticity. The letter is being widely circulated on WhatsApp with a claim that three ‘Village Service Representatives’ would be selected from each village under ‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana’. Let’s try to check the authenticity of the letter in the post
Claim: Employment for Rural Educated Boys Candidates as ‘Village Service Representatives’ under ‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana’.
Fact: There is no such scheme with the name, ‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana’. The government does not ask demand drafts in the name of private enterprises for official recruitments. Also, the South West Khasi Hills district administration in Meghalaya has issued an advisory note, in March-2019, stating that the letter is not authentic. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When searched for any scheme with the name ‘‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana’ on Google, it was found that there is no government scheme with that name. In the letter, it is mentioned that the interested candidates should send a demand draft (DD) of Rs. 1200 in the name of Kanak Enterprises, payable at Delhi. But no government agency asks for a DD in the name of a private enterprise for official recruitments. Also, a lot of spelling and grammatical errors can be found in the letter. No official notification or note contains such errors. Even the name of the scheme was spelt differently at different places in the letter.
When searched for any additional information on this scheme with the keywords ‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana Kanak Enterprises’ on Google, it was found that the South West Khasi Hills district administration in Meghalaya has issued an advisory note in March-2019 when this letter went viral in Meghalaya. The advisory note reads: ‘On evaluation of representation documents received at the Village, the same cannot be proven to be authentic and has a dubious objective.”
Also, a similar letter was found to be in circulation in Punjab. According to a Dainik Bhaskar article, around 20 people from a village in Punjab sent DDs to Kanak Enterprises in the hope of getting a job. But when they did not get any response, they enquired about the scheme at Panchayat Department’s office, who told them that there is no scheme with that name.
To sum it up, do not send DDs to Kanak Enterprises. There is no ‘Gram Vikas Rozgar Yojana’ scheme.
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