A video is being shared on social media claiming it to be the footage of a mobile snatcher named Anish Khan stabbing ASI Shambhu Dayal repeatedly with a knife on a street in Delhi. This post claims the accused in Shambhu Dayal’s attack as Anish Khan, a mobile snatcher belonging to the Muslim community. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: Video of a mobile snatcher belonging to the Muslim community stabbing ASI Shambu Dayal with a knife in Delhi.
Fact: The accused in ASI Shambu Dayal’s murder in Delhi is Anish Raj, not Anish Khan as alleged in the post. The FIR filed regarding this case had stated the accused as 24-year-old Anish, son of Prahlad Raj, residing in the Mayapuri area in West Delhi. The incident has nothing to do with the Muslim community. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched for this video using relevant keywords on the internet, a video with similar visuals was found published by ‘The Economic Times’ news YouTube channel. This news channel reported it as the CCTV footage showing the stabbing of Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Shambhu Dayal by a man nabbed for an alleged mobile phone theft in West Delhi’s Mayapuri.
Several news websites published articles reporting the details of this incident that took place on 04 January 2023. According to the reports, ASI Shambhu Dayal was stabbed multiple times by Anish Raj while trying to arrest the latter on an alleged mobile theft complaint filed by a woman. ASI Shambhu Dayal succumbed on 08 January 2023, while undergoing treatment at the BLK hospital in Delhi.
The FIR registered on ASI Shambu Dayal’s murder had stated the accused as 24-year-old Anish Raj, son of Prahlad Raj, and a resident of the Mayapuri area in New Delhi.
To sum it up, CCTV footage showing the stabbing of ASI Shambhu Dayal in Delhi is shared with a false communal narrative.