A video clip of Aaj Tak news channel is being shared widely on social media with a claim that China’s Prime Minister has ordered to reopen all mosques and asked people to read Quran and offer namaz as it is the only cure for COVID-19. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post.
Claim: Aaj Tak telecasted a news in which the Chinese PM said, ‘Reading Quran and offering namaz is the only cure for COVID-19’.
Fact: It is a clipped video of Aaj Tak’s fact-check. In the full version, it can be seen that Aaj Tak has debunked the claim and concluded that no such statement was made by the Chinese PM. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When searched with the keywords shown in the video, the full version of the video was found on the ‘Aaj Tak’ website. In the video, it can be seen that they have fact-checked a video with the same claim. They have debunked the claim and concluded that no such statement was made by the Chinese PM. Also, Aaj Tak has published a fact-check article on the same claim. FACTLY has also debunked the same video in the first week of February. The fact-check article can be read here.
Also, in the posted video, the photograph of Xi Jinping (President of the People’s Republic of China) was added. While the claim talks about the Prime Minister, the video shows the photo of the President.
To sum it up, Aaj Tak’s fact-check video was clipped to falsely claim that Chinese PM said, ‘Quran is the only cure for COVID-19’.
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