A screenshot of Amit Shah’s interview with ‘Aaj Tak’ news channel is being widely shared on Facebook. In the ‘Breaking News’ template of the news channel, it is being claimed that Amit Shah had said, ‘53 crore rupees were sent into the bank accounts of 41 crore people’ (अमित शाह: ‘41 करोड़ लोगों के खातों में 53 करोड़ रुपए भेजें’). FACTLY has found that Aaj Tak news channel had misquoted ‘53 thousand crore rupees’ as ‘53 crore rupees’. During the interview, Amit Shah had said that 53000 crore rupees were sent into the bank accounts of 41 crore people. The same figures can be also seen in a tweet by Amit Shah. The visual in the screenshot where Aaj Tak had misquoted the numbers can be seen at 10:43:19 duration. Also, Aaj Tak has issued a correction regarding their mistake.
Claim –
1. Facebook post (archived)
Fact –
1. AajTak interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkF5aYD442M
2. Amit Shah tweet –
3. AajTak correction – https://www.facebook.com/aajtak/videos/279229863224012/
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