A few Facebook users are sharing a post alleging Yogi Adityanath has warned people saying he would burn the whole nation if BJP loses in the elections. Let’s try to analyze the claims made in the post.
Claim: Yogi Adityanath has threatened that he would set ablaze the whole nation if BJP loses elections
Fact: The news channel screen grab with Yogi Adityanath’s warning about burning the nation if BJP loses in elections is a morphed one. So, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When one searches for the news channel seen in the photo posted, it was found to be a Gujarati news channel ‘Mantavya News’. On observing the photo carefully, we can find that the news regarding Yogi Adityanath is displayed in Hindi language, while the scrolling run in Gujarati language.
When one looks at the image carefully, we can find that there are no margins either on the top or on the left to Adityanath’s image, which are usually seen during the telecast of news channels.
Also, In the photo there is color difference in red which can be seen in its lower portion.
Hence, from the above things, we can conclude that the image of the news channel claiming Yogi adityanath threatened to set the whole nation ablaze if BJP loses elections is a morphed one.