English, Fake News

Viral Photo Doesn’t Show Subramanian Swamy with His Daughter and Granddaughter


A photo of BJP leader Subramanian Swamy with burqa-clad women has been circulating on social media, with claims that the women in this photo are his daughter and granddaughter and that he is bidding them farewell for Haj at Hyderabad airport. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.

Claim: Photo of BJP leader Subramanian Swamy with his daughter and granddaughter.

Fact: The women pictured with Subramanian Swamy are not his daughter and granddaughter. During his 2018 visit to Bengaluru, some Muslim women approached him and asked for a photograph together. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.

A search using relevant keywords directed us to a tweet by Jagdish Shetty, the General Secretary of Virat Hindustan Sangam, an organization in which Subramanian Swamy serves as the President. On 04 May 2018, Shetty posted the same photo and explained that the picture was taken at Bengaluru airport when Muslim women, appreciative of Swamy’s work, met him and requested a photograph with him. The same information was also shared by the official Twitter account of BJP Haveri.

Subramanian Swamy has two daughters, Dr Gitanjali Swamy and Suhasini Haider. His younger daughter, Suhasini Haider, is a journalist who is married to Nadeem Haider, the son of former Indian diplomat Salman Haider. In 2019, Subramanian Swamy clarified that Suhasini Haider has not converted to Islam.

To sum it up, the viral image doesn’t show Subramanian Swamy with his daughter and granddaughter.


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