English, Fake News

Video of a truck crashing into a helicopter in Brazil is shared as that from Amritsar, India


A video of a truck hitting a helicopter that is about to take off is being shared on Facebook claiming that the incident took place in Amritsar, India. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post. 

The archived version of the post could be seen here.

Claim: Video of a truck crashing into a helicopter in Amritsar, India.

Fact: The incident in the video happened in Rio Branco of Brazil, not in Amritsar (India). Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.

When we subjected the screenshots of the video to reverse image search technique, many search results of Brazilian websites were obtained in the search results and they can be seen here and here. As per those articles, the incident in the video happened in Rio Branco city of Brazil. 

With the above information, when we searched on Google with keywords, an article of ‘Daily Mail’ with the same video was found. The information in the article corroborated that that incident happened in Rio Branco Brazil.  

To sum it up, video of a truck hitting a helicopter in Brazil is shared as an incident in Amritsar, India. 

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