A post is being shared on social media claiming that Alok Maurya, the husband of SDM Jyoti Maurya, had recently passed away. The post shared different video clippings and a picture of a patient at a hospital and claims that Alok Maurya had committed suicide after Jyoti Maurya refused to withdraw the case filed against him. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: A social media post asserting the death of SDM Jyoti Maurya’s husband Alok Maurya.
Fact: The post shared unrelated old video clips of ambulances transporting human organs in Chennai and other cities. The patient photo shared in the video was taken at MAHAN Trust Mahatma Gandhi Tribal Hospital in Maharashtra’s Melghat during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. No news reports recently reported about the demise of Alok Maurya, the husband of Jyoti Maurya. Hence, the claim made in the post is False.
When we searched to check whether SDM Jyoti Maurya’s husband Alok Maurya had recently passed away, we could not find any news report confirming the demise of Alok Maurya. As per the latest reports, Alok Maurya has withdrawn the financial irregularities case filed against his wife Jyoti Maurya, an SDM in the Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh. Earlier, Alok Maurya, a class four government employee, accused his wife Jyoti Maurya of being involved in an illicit relationship with Manish Dubey, a home guard commandant posted in Ghaziabad, and alleged that Jyoti Maurya had acquired properties worth crores of rupees after becoming SDM.
In response to the accusations made by her husband, Jyoti Maurya filed a dowry harassment case against Alok and his family at the Dhoomanganj police station. After Alok Maurya withdrew the financial irregularities case against his wife, several news sites reported that Jyoti Maurya is also considering withdrawing the cases filed against her husband, Alok Maurya. However, no news reports confirmed Alok Maurya’s death due to distress caused by Jyoti Maurya’s refusal to withdraw the case against him.
On reverse image search of the screenshots of the video shared in the post, similar visuals were found in a video published by the MGM Healthcare Hospital in November 2019. The video shows the human organ transplantation at the MGM Healthcare Hospital in Chennai.
The photo of a patient getting treatment at a hospital was published by the MAHAN Trust organization in June 2020. The picture was taken during the COVID-19 pandemic at the MAHAN Trust Mahatma Gandhi Tribal Hospital in Melghat, Maharashtra.
Earlier, when a few social media posts spread similar rumours about the demise of Jyoti Maurya, several news sites published articles confirming that Jyoti Maurya was alive, emphasizing these social media posts as fake.
To sum it up, unrelated old video clips and pictures are being shared alleging the demise of SDM Jyoti Maurya’s husband Alok Maurya.