A video has been shared more than 1.4 lakh times on Facebook with a claim that it shows Allen Akhai Desert. Let’s try to check the claim made in the post.

Claim: The video shows moving sand in the Allen Alkhai desert.
Fact: The video is not that of a desert. It is Lake Nahuel Huapi (Argentina) which was filled with ash from the Puyehue volcano (Chile) in 2011. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
In the comment section of the post, a user commented that the video was taken at the Lake Nahuel Huapi in Argentina when it was filled with volcano ash. But another user contradicted the claims made by the initial user.

So, when googled with the keywords ‘Lake with ash’, a ‘Telegraph’ news article published in 2011 with the same video can be found in the search results. In the article, the video has the following description, “Lake Nahuel Huapi in Argentina fills with ash from the Puyehue volcano that is erupting in neighbouring Chile.” So, the video was not taken at the Allen Alkhai desert.

To sum it up, the video shows Lake Nahuel Huapi filled with volcanic ash. It is not Allen Alkhai desert.
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Uitați-vă proștilor la comentariul meu, nu la comentariul videoclipului , comentariu pe care nu am cum să-l scot! În postarea mea scrie clar despre ce este vorba. Postați și voi ca să vă aflați în treabă. Nu aveți altceva mai bun de făcut pe acasă? :))
Hi, we have rated only the original post with false description of the video. The algorithm used by Facebook tags all the shared posts as well. It does not mean that what you shared is false. It just alerts you to the fact-check article.
I shared the video in order to claim that it is a FALSE ONE! I saw this video several times, I made researtches, and discovered that it was volcano ashes in a lake, and not sand in the desert! So, thank not to blame my group “Mineral Energy : lithothérapie & minéralogie” ! I even sent messages to admins of other groups that shared the video, to say it was FALSE! And I posted a link towards the true post!!!!!!!
Hi, we have rated only the original post with false description of the video. The algorithm used by Facebook tags all the shared posts as well. It does not mean that what you shared is false. It just alerts you to the fact-check article.
In this case, why do I get a warning from Facebook saying, “If a group repeatedly shares false information, Facebook may move all the content in that group to the bottom of the news feed, which means that less people will be visiting the group, or Facebook may stop suggesting joining this group. ” ?? I advised the members that it’s fake, and I got punished for saying the truth???