In the context of the hijab row in Karnataka, a lot of people are posting few comparison pictures claiming that they show different attires of burqa-clad woman who reacted by shouting ‘Allah-hu-Akbar’ in response to a group of men shouting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ at her in Karnataka. The girl’s name is Muskan Khan. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Pictures of Muskan Khan in a burqa at school and without a burqa at other places.
Fact: The woman without a burqa in the posted pictures is not Muskan Khan. While the burqa-clad woman in the pictures is Muskan Khan, the woman without a burqa is Najma Nazeer (a politician who is a member of Janata Dal (Secular) – Karnataka). Also, one of the viral pictures is an edited one. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
On searching about the women without a burqa in the photos, it was found that she is Najma Nazeer. Some of the posted pictures can be found on her social media account. She is a politician who is a member of Janata Dal (Secular) – Karnataka. A few more pictures of her can be seen here, here, here, and here.
Also, one of Najma Nazeer’s pictures in the post is an edited one. The original picture can be found here and here.
Similarly another image of JDS leader Najma Nazeer, in which she can be seen along with Prakash Raj, Kanhaiya Kumar, Shehla Rashid and many others is also being shared identifying Najma Nazeer as Muskan Khan. However, the same photo was found on Najma Nazeer’s Facebook profile back in 2019.
More information regarding burqa-clad Muskan Khan and her interview with news agencies can be found here, here, and here.
To sum it up, the woman without a burqa in the posted pictures is JDS leader Najma Nazeer, not burqa-clad Muskan Khan.