A photo is being shared on Facebook with a claim that Gandhi was having breakfast with British officials inside the jail while people are fighting for Independence. Let’s try to check the authenticity of the image in the post.

Claim: Mahatma Gandhi having breakfast with British official inside the jail.
Fact: The photo was not taken inside the jail. It was taken during a breakfast meeting between Gandhi and Mountbatten at Viceroy’s House in April 1947. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When the image in the post is run Google Reverse Image Search, a link to Getty Images website containing the same image can be found in the search results. In that website, the image has a description which reads, “Breakfast meeting between Mahatma Gandhi and Viceroy of India, Lord Mountbatten 1947”. Also, in the book ‘India Remembered’ written by Pamela Mountbatten (the daughter of Lord Mountbatten), the same image can be found in the ‘A Huge Task’ chapter. She writes that the photo was taken on 1st April 1947 at the Viceroy’s House. The Viceroy invited Gandhi for breakfast to discuss the transfer of power, declared by England’s PM Clement R. Atlee in February 1947. So, the photo was not taken inside the jail.

To sum it up, the photo was taken in April 1947 at the Viceroy’s house, not inside the jail.
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