A photo is being shared on social media that the people in the photo are
Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Indira’s father-in-law Yunus Khan, and Indira’s husband Feroze Khan. Let’s fact-check the extent of truth in the post.

Claim: Photo of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Indira’s father-in-law Yunus Khan and Indira’s husband Feroze Khan.
Fact: Persons to the left of Indira Gandhi in the photo are Nicholas Roerich (Russian Artist) and Yunus Khan (Freedom Fighter), not Indira Gandhi’s father-in-law, Yunus Khan. Hence, the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When the posted photo was reverse searched using ‘Yandex’, the same photo was found on the ‘Alamy’ digital stock website. The person who is seen next to Indira Gandhi as per this website is Nicholas Roerich. Nicholas Roerich is a Russian artist. According to an article written by ‘The Week’, the name of Indira Gandhi’s father-in-law is ‘Faredoon Jehangir Ghandy’.

It can be seen from the ‘Yunus Khan’ Wikipedia website that the person who is seen next to Nicholas Roerich in the photo is Yunus Khan. However, he is not Indira Gandhi’s father-in-law as said in the post. Further information about Yunus Khan can be found here. The photo of Indira Gandhi’s husband, Feroze Gandhi, can be seen here.

Another photo of Nehru, Indira, Nicholas Roerich and Yunus Khan can be seen here.

To sum it up, to the left of Indira Gandhi in the photo are Nicholas Roerich (Russian Artist) and Yunus Khan (Freedom Fighter).
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