On 8 October 2020, the BJP youth wing’s march to the State’s secretariat (‘Nabanna’) in West Bengal turned violent as clashes erupted between the BJP party workers and the West Bengal police. A video of a man kicking the tear gas canister back towards the police is being shared widely on social media with a claim that it shows a BJP worker kicking the smoke bomb in West Bengal. Let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Video of a BJP worker kicking the tear gas canister back towards the police in West Bengal.
Fact: The video is neither related to West Bengal nor India. The video was taken in Indonesia. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When the keyframes of the video were run through the Google Reverse Image Search, the same video was found to be uploaded by ‘redfish’ media page on Facebook. In the description, it was written that the video is from Indonesia. The same video was also found on their Twitter page with the same description.
Also, the police vehicle in the video resembles the police vehicles in Indonesia (Same colour scheme and ‘Polisi’ written on the vehicle). On 8 October 2020, there were protests and clashes in Indonesia over a new law, which people claimed will affect their jobs. While there are similar visuals of recent clashes in Indonesia, we could not confirm whether the posted video is related to the recent protests. But, it can be concluded that the video is from Indonesia.
To sum it up, a video from Indonesia is falsely shared as ‘BJP worker kicking back the tear gas canister in West Bengal’.