A post sharing some of the guidelines of the new COVID-19 vaccination policy of India which are set to be effective from 01 March 2021 is being shared across social media platforms. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

Claim: New COVID-19 vaccination guidelines of India.
Fact: According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Private Hospitals functioning as CVCs may recover a charge subject to a ceiling of Rs. 250 per person per dose. Also, the ministry did not stipulate that 40% of vaccinations would be allotted for pre-registered and 60% would be reserved for walk-ins (on spot). Further, along with Aadhar and PAN card photo identity documents like passport, voter id, driving license, etc. can also be used at the time of registration. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
On 27 February 2021, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has announced the expansion of the vaccination program to all citizens above 60 years of age and those within the age bracket of 45 to 59 years with specified co-morbidities effective from 01 March 2021. Accordingly, a user manual for registration & appointment for vaccination , guidance note for CO-WIN 2.0 , list of CGHS empaneled hospitals and list of Ayushman Bharat PMJAY empaneled hospitals were uploaded on the website. Let’s take a look at few misleading claims mentioned in the post regarding the new vaccination policy below.
Charge of vaccine is Rs. 500:
As per CO-WIN 2.0 guidance vaccination is free of charge at govt health facilities, whereas private health facilities charge for vaccination at a rate decided by the GoI from time to time.

According to a press release by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare reported by PIB ‘Private Hospitals functioning as CVCs may recover a charge subject to a ceiling of Rs. 250 per person per dose’. This establishes that the charge of vaccine in private health facilities is not Rs. 500 as claimed in the post. The total cost for two doses is, however, Rs. 500.

40% Vaccinations would be for pre registered and 60% will be reserved for Walk- ins :
According to CO-WIN 2.0 guidance vaccination slots are classified as Reserved slots and Open slots.
Reserved slots are further classified as:
- Mobilization slots- ‘Slots for which respective State/UT Government shall mobilize beneficiaries for on-site registration, appointment, verification, and vaccination (all on-site on the same day).
- Slots reserved for 2nd dose for beneficiaries who have already received 1st dose.
Open slots- ‘slots open for online appointments by general public’.
According to this document, the proportion of mobilization slots will be decided by the respective state governments whereas the number of open slots for a session will be worked out by subtracting the number of reserved slots from the CVC (COVID-19 vaccination centre). Also, the document nowhere stipulates that 40% of vaccinations would be allotted for pre-registered and 60% would be reserved for walk-ins (on spot).

Voters card/ Pan card for Registration:
Following Photo Identity Documents can be used by citizens for availing online registration.
a) Aadhar Card/Letter
b) Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC)
c) Passport
d) Driving License
e) PAN Card
f) NPR Smart Card
g) Pension Document with photograph
To sum it up, inaccurate information related to new COVID-19 vaccination policy is being shared.