Any election season is colorless without its share of fake surveys and predictions and these are even high when it is about General Elections in India. The 2019 General Elections have given rise to a lot of surveys across media platforms and one such survey citing BBC predicts Congress party win. Let analyze the details of this survey.

The archived version of the post can be found here.
Claim: BBC Survey Predicts Congress Win in 2019 General Elections.
Fact: BBC is always at the center of fake surveys during every elections and have confirmed that they do not conduct any pre-election surveys in India. So, the claim made in the post is False.
This is not the first time BBC name is linked to such surveys. Few days back similar post citing BBC claimed that BJP is going to win the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.

The archived version of the post can be found here.
The survey which is being widely shared on social media platforms claim that “BJP will loose seats and Congress led UPA will win 2019 Lok Sabha polls says CIA, KGB & MOSAD Survey… ” . The post claims the survey is done by American, Russian and Israeli spy agencies, which is very unbelievable and the BBC website link provided doesn’t take you to any such survey page. This clearly indicates the claims to be false.

BBC editor Mukesh Sarma on his Facebook post confirmed that BBC has not conducted any such survey. Even during recent Karnataka and Rajasthan elections similar fake surveys citing BBC were shared on social media.
Hence, the surveys citing BBC are False as BBC does not conduct any election survey in India
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