A video clip in which Bollywood celebrities Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, and Akshay Kumar are seen expressing their support for Imran Khan after his recent arrest is viral on social media. Let’s verify the authenticity of this video through this fact-checking article.
Claim: Video clips of Bollywood celebrities Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, and Akshay Kumar supporting Imran Khan after his arrest.
Fact: These video clips are digitally manipulated and unrelated to Imran Khan’s arrest. They have been sourced from different contexts and edited to falsely imply the actors’ support for Imran Khan. Therefore, the claim made in the post is False.
Upon closer examination, several red flags indicate that the videos in question have been digitally manipulated. Firstly, the audio in these clips is out of sync with the video, suggesting tampering. Additionally, further investigation uncovered the original sources of these videos, as outlined below:
Hrithik Roshan’s clips:
Performing reverse image searches using keyframes from the clips led to the discovery of the original videos. The first clip was sourced from an interaction Hrithik Roshan had with fans on a ‘ Zoom meet ‘ before his birthday in January 2023. Screenshots from this interaction were found in a social media post from 9 January 2023.
The complete video titled ‘EXCLUSIVE: Hrithik Roshan Birthday Special Fan Interaction FULL VIDEO | Krrish 4, Fighter, Jadoo’ uploaded on 10 January 2023, by the channel Hrithik Rules has the portion used in the viral clip, which begins from 41:24.
The second clip was a portion of a video chat (here and here) Hrithik Roshan had with YouTuber Ashish Chanchlani after the release of his film Vikram Veda.
Salman Khan’s clip:
The original video featuring Salman Khan was found on his Instagram handle. Salman Khan uploaded a video on 21 April 2023 in which he announced his plans to go to Dubai to celebrate Eid.
Akshay Kumar’s clip:
Reverse image searches on keyframes of the viral clip led to the discovery of another video with the same claim. In this video, Akshay Kumar is seen pointing at his watch while speaking.
Further searches led to the original video uploaded in November 2019, where Akshay Kumar is seen promoting an ECG product by GOQii. The portion of this video from approximately 00:47 to 00:59 matches the viral clip.
After analyzing the evidence, it becomes clear that the claim of Bollywood celebrities supporting Imran Khan after his arrest is false. The videos in question were digitally manipulated (by adding a fake dubbed voice and cropping the video), and the original context of these videos reveals their true nature.
The viral videos showcasing Bollywood celebrities Hrithik Roshan, Salman Khan, and Akshay Kumar expressing support for Imran Khan after his arrest are digitally manipulated.