Multiple photos of BJP Leader Vikas Dubey from Uttar Pradesh are being shared on social media, portraying him as the accused criminal who killed 8 Uttar Pradesh police personnel in an encounter at Kanpur. On 02 July 2020, eight police personnel including a Deputy Superintendent of Police and 3 Sub-Inspectors were killed in a violent face-off with a group who work under a gangster Vikas Dubey in Kanpur. Let’s verify the claim made in the post.
Claim: BJP leader Vikas Dubey killed 8 U.P police personnel in an encounter at Kanpur.
Fact: A gangster with the same name Vikas Dubey, is the one who is accused of killing 8 policemen in Kanpur, not the BJP Leader Vikas Dubey. When his photo went viral on social media alleging him to be that accused criminal, the BJP leader clarified that he is not the person who was involved in that encounter. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When we searched for relevant information related to the encounter that took place on 02 July in Kanpur, we found a article related to that incident in Jagran website. The article had the photo of the accused Vikas Dubey. It is understood that the accused was not the BJP leader Vikas Dubey but, a notorious criminal who shares the same name Vikas Dubey. The accused Vikas Dubey joined Bahujan Samaj party (BSP) earlier. He is a history-sheeter facing 60 criminal cases .
BJP leader Vikas Dubey clarified the same through a video when his photo went viral on social media alleging him to be the one accused of killing 8 police personnel in the Kanpur encounter. An article about his clarification could be seen here.
On 02 July 2020, a team of 15 to 16 police personnel had gone to raid an area in search of criminal Vikas Dubey in Chaubepur village in Kanpur. As the police team reached the spot, they were ambushed by Dubey’s men who were well prepared with arms. A total of 8 police personnel including a Deputy Superintendent of Police, 3 Sub-Inspectors died in that encounter.
To sum it up, BJP leader Vikas Dubey is falsely portrayed as accused criminal Vikas Dubey, who killed 8 Uttar Pradesh police personnel in an encounter at Kanpur.
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