A video is being shared on social media where people can be seen running away from a flying dragon. The post’s description reads, ‘Oh My God ’. Let’s fact-check this video through this article.

Claim: People are running away from a dragon that emerges from a mountain.
Fact: This clip contains the video of a landslide incident that happened in Beijing in August 2018. A clip of a CGI dragon is edited onto this clip to make it look like people are running away from the dragon. Hence the claim of the video is FALSE.
We ran a reverse image search on Yandex using a few screenshots from the video and were led to a Facebook post by People’s Daily China.

According to the description of the post, which also contains the video clip from the viral post, ‘A landslide occurred at the Junhong Road in Da’anshan township, Fangshan district, Beijing at around 8:30am (local time) on Saturday.’ According to CGTN, this incident occurred on 11 August 2018. A video uploaded to their YouTube channel matches (from 00:15) the clip from the viral video, except that the clip in the viral video is flipped.

We could not trace the source of the dragon clip in the viral video, but it looks similar to the dragon from the 2020 Motion Picture The Iron Mask. Dragons are mythological creatures. Here is more about Dragons.

To sum up, a dragon clip is edited onto a video of a people running away from a landslide.