[orc]An updated version of this story is available here
The United Nations is the foremost international organization with 193 member countries in its fold. The UN is funded by its member countries and the contribution of each member country is determined based on an assessment done every three years. The assessment takes into account the GNP, per capita income & external debt of countries for fixing the quantum of contribution. The USA contributes the most to the UN regular budget with 22% while India contributes the 24th highest with 0.737%
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization founded in 1945. It is currently made up of 193 Member States. The mission and work of the United Nations are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.
Article 17 of the U.N. Charter specifies that the U.N. General Assembly will determine the basis for payment of the expenses of the organization. The expenses shall be borne by the Members as decided by the General Assembly.
What is the basis for deciding the quantum of contribution of each member?
Each member state of the UN is obligated to contribute to the UN. The contribution is calculated on the basis of scale of assessments. The Committee on Contributions is entrusted with the job of deciding the quantum of contribution.
To determine the scale of assessments, the Committee on Contributions uses estimates of each member state’s gross national product (GNP) and a number of adjustments, including data for external debt and for low per capita incomes. The assessment thus takes into account the country’s share of the global Gross National product with discounts given for low per-capita income and the country’s external debt. This is with respect to the regular budget of the UN. Similar assessments are done for other organizations of the UN including the peacekeeping operations. For deciding contribution to the peace keeping operations, adjustments are made for average per capita GNP compared to global average GNP.
The General Assembly has directed that percentage shares range from a minimum of 0.001% to a maximum of 22%, and a maximum of 0.01% for those nations designated as “least developed countries.”
The scale of assessments is normally reviewed after every three years. The current time period of assessments is for the years 2016-2018.
Who contributes the most to the regular UN budget?
As expected, United States of America contributes the highest with a share of 22%. USA’s GNP is approximately 27% of the total GNP of all the member countries of the UN and thus its highest share of contribution is justified.
Japan contributes the second highest with 9.68%, followed by China (7.921%), Germany (6.389%), France (4.859%) and UK (4.463%) in the top five. Brazil contributes about 3.823% and is 6th in this list.
18 Countries contribute more than 1% each to the UN regular budget. 135 countries contribute less than 0.1% each including India’s neighbours Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Out of the 193 countries part of the UN, the top 20 countries contribute 83.78% while the other 173 countries contribute 16.22% only. The top 10 contributors account for 68.89% of the total contributions. The total regular UN budget for the year 2016-17 is $ 5.6 billion.
How much does India Contribute?
According to the assessment made for the years 2016-18, India has to contribute 0.737% to the UN regular budget. This puts India in the 24th place in the list of highest contributors. Based on the assessment by the contributions committee, India’s contribution to the UN regular budget was fixed at 0.534% for 2009-12 and 0.666% for 2013-2015.
India’s contribution to the UN regular budget was 16.97 million dollars in 2012-13, 17.19 million dollars in 2013-14 and 18.07 million dollars in 2014-15. India’s actual share is 19.82 million dollars in 2014-15, but is given a credit of 1.74 million dollars for the income tax exemption extended by India for the UN staff working in India.
India also contributed to the other UN agencies like the UNDP, UNICEF, UNEP etc. India’s contribution to UN peacekeeping operations was fixed at 0.1068% for the period 2009-12 and at 0.1332% for the period 2013-15 and 0.1474% for the period 2016-18.
India’s total contribution to the UN was Rs 138 crore in 2013-14, Rs 157 crore in 2014-15 and Rs 244 crore in 2015-16. Among the BRICS nations, India’s contribution is more than only South Africa. Brazil. Russia and China contribute more than India.
Featured Image:By Wilfried Huss / Anonymous [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
Has India enough funds to contribute equal to top 4 counties?
YES, but contribution is fix by UN its depend on Gross national product (GNP) of that country.
At this point due to the fact that India is soon to be the world 5th largest economy, it technically could. Yet if looked closer there GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita (per person) is one of the lowest globally, so India’s population would be heavily effected in the economical sector.
The United States carries a federal budget deficit which should be factored in!
So do most other member states.
Am British and I really do think it’s about time that country’s started paying there fare share to in budget as the US can not carry on paying what they pay plus it’s only fare if you pay into the club look at the UK what they pay in to EU compared to other EU countries it’s simply not fair
Firstly as stated above in the article, the contribution to the UN is fixed by a study into the economy of a nation every year. This means that it is the most fair it can possible be, as the US pays exactly how much it should in relation to how much they earn. Take into account that the GDP of the US is $7 trillion more than the second highest country, and is almost 4.5 times the third largest country. (http://statisticstimes.com/economy/countries-by-projected-gdp.php)
Along with this nearly every single country has a budget deficit, and besides this would it not be strange for a complex body like the UN to not take into account things that Andy thought of in 10 seconds, in their tri-yearly investigation.
Then secondly, your point of the UK’s contribution to the EU, is also mostly false unless you are trying to point out how little the UK pays. The UK is the third largest contributor to the EU, which doesn’t seem fair, since they pay less than France, a country which has a lower GDP than them.
All countries are suppose to pay 2% of their GDP but they don’t. That is the problem.
Why should any one pay in the UN they are set up to make the whole world in to a shit hole And why we let some communist piece of shit telling us how much we have to pay in
NOT based on GDP, contributions are based on GNI which the UN considers a fair estimate of the WEALTH of a nation.
When I was a teenager, my father said; “The biggest blunder ever made by the United States was to form alliances with third world countries (UN) which in the end will be a burden upon the American taxpayers”….my father was right!
The US’s deficit is due to all the war they’ve caused as well, they should be contributed far more and the budget for the UN should be far more that 0.5% of the global military spending! 15 missions is appalling!
What an idiotic comment!
India, Pakistan, Somalia, Congo, Philippines are all at war. Should they then pay more?
how much expenditure does Nepal bear ? 0.003?
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So America provides by far more funds to this organization than any other country in the world, and the world says “screw you America!” How about we withdraw our funds and use it for our citizens and military and kick the UN out. Then, when anyone needs some help, they won’t have to take any money from us as we are so reviled throughout the world.
The contribution you make as a country has nothing to do with the weight of your vote. The agreement is one country – one vote.
If you wish you can distance yourself further from the rest of the world, be my guest but in the end it will cost you. If you withdraw your funds, other countries will jump in to add more, like so many things we have see this year when Trump reduced the funds and the EU picked up the tab. The EU contributes as much as the US to the UN.
The UN is based in New York on invitation of the USA. Not the other way around. If you kick them out, other countries will be volunteering to house the organisation, don’t worry about that.
Most so-called aid from the US (80%) are simple trade deals, they are no aid at all. They either projects for bilateral economic development (which favours US business) or Financial Arrangements for buying arms (in the US) again in favour of US arms business. The largest benefiter of this so-called aid is Israel.
You echo what Trump said but as so often he is utterly wrong
Now let me see ,if the US withdraws from the UN other countries will quickly pony up to make up for the short fall .That I would be happy to see but I doubt that would ever happen .Just as level of Nato contributions by the participants ,except for the US, as required by the agreement never happened unless forced .Further your comment that the EU contributes as much is to fictionalize an entity that is hanging by a string with the parasite political hacks fearing they would lose power.The UN like its predecessor the League of Nations is nothing more than a political haven for a bunch of useless hacks who turn a blind eye to the real problems in the world or simply bellow out useless rhetoric .
I couldn’t agree more!
You are an idiot…..the EU has not stepped up to anything, and the UN will be an even bigger failure if the USA pulls out. And the USA should pull out…..stop all funding to this pathetic organization
The UN is WELL PAST IT’s USE BY DATE. It is totally corrupt !
which it uses as an attempt to REDISTRIBUTE WEALTH to
others regardless of the effort or merit in creating wealth !
It USURPS Independent Countries RIGHTS to their own
individuality by enforcing contributions to some countries
that MAY NEED IT but certainly DON’T DESERVE IT and will
AS THE UN [ courtesy of the USA } PROPS THEM UP !
India is POOR !………. Everyone says so ! ….. Really ?…..WHY ?
In the “good ol’ US of A ” the HIGHEST INCOME EARNERS are
of INDIAN HERITAGE and KOREANS !! How about that !!
The sooner that the UN is abandoned THE BETTER !
will thrive ………everywhere !
Sorry BART, but the U.S. didn’t with hold funding from the U.N. (yet). So what you are saying is Bull crap. Trying to make yourself sound good to the uninformed people out there. The E.U. didn’t pick NOTHING UP!
And if the U.S. did cut back funding, the U.N. would be so discombobulated and wouldn’t know what to do!
Considering the EU has over 530 Million people and the US has 330 Million, I would think that it is about time the EU steps up and pays more. Besides….all the UN does is over inflate budgets (and has wasted Billions of Dollars through the years due to mismanagement) and criticizes it’s largest donor! But what I find interesting is that Japan pays more than China. That blows my mind. That little Island pays more than that hugemongous country both land and people size! China has a large military, space program, big trade, the BRI….and an then pays an itty bit to the UN. I think it’s time we do another reduction! One more thing….you said our aid comes with preconditions. Did you know China gets aid from us? How do you get a precondition from China? You don’t! They are the ones stealing our jobs, our technologies, our secrets, and coming to our country buying our land and our businesses with no strings attached. But if you open a business in China and or buy property, the “Party” is half owner…period! Don’t believe me? China has kicked out numerous businesses and taken over. They just kicked out some media companies because they didn’t want the truth to be printed like what happened to the 21 million cell phone/users BEFORE the Coronavirus? Don’t get me started!
I agree, Sherri. It’s about time we looked out for Number 1. America. The UN is a massive waste of money and they hate us. Wake up!
If we pay more, then our votes should count accordingly. I. E., if we give 25%, then our UN vote should count as 4 votes.
Unfortunately, as in the U.S., there are those in the world who buy into the mentality of “why should we have to do more to help ourselves?” They can sit on their collective ass, let someone else (as in the U.S.) carry more load than they do individually and then bite the hand that feeds.
What other country has rushed to the aid of friends and foes alike more than the U.S.? Who has built and rebuilt more countries/infrastructure than the U.S.? Whose military has given more lives in the defense of others than the U.S.? And don’t give me that tired old “talking point” of the U.S. being the cause of all ills in the world through our aggression. Remember Pearl Harbor? Remember the Holocost? Remember 9/11? I could go on and on about the atrocities carried out by the thugs of the world–those same thugs that are more than likely spending some of our UN funds right now to bankroll their terrorist activities.
I know there are so many countries not nearly as fortunate and blessed as the U.S. But, you know what, if your country is so poor it cannot provide for its citizenry, stop breeding like rabbits–that should be you first step. And, before you say what about the U.S., I would and do tell those in this country if you cannot provide for either yourself or a child, practice effective birth control. One “unplanned” pregnancy is a mistake, more than one is stupid and reprehensible. And no, abortion as a means of birth control is not the solution.
Secondly, clean up the corruption in your own government so that any resources go to those who actually need them. Until you do that, you cannot and should not be given resources from any other country.
It really is a shame–some of these poor countries can trace their civilization back centuries if not millennia and they still can’t make it without a handout. I guess that goes to show that there will always be those who will work tirelessly to improve their lot in life and that of generations to come and there will always be those who want to take from others without any real contribution.
And Don, you are right. The U.S. Vote in the UN should carry more weight, but we all know that won’t happen.
What about the veto power the US has. If they can block any resolution that passes through the UN, with only their vote, would you not say their vote carries more weight than the 190+ nations in the UN that don’t have this veto power?
The US only has a veto on the Security Council, not in the General Assembly. Russia, Britain, France, and China also have permanent veto power on the Security Council so that power has nothing to do with how much we contribute. It was simply written into the charter by the victorious powers of World War 2.
Regardless of reasoning. The fact of the matter remains that the US holds an extraordinary amount of power in the most powerful organ of the UN. As such it seems odd to be complaining about a lack of power that the US has in the UN. Then addressing you first point, security council approval is required for the majority of effectual resolutions to take place. For example the security council controls to peacekeeping forces and controls most sanctions. The security council has huge amounts of power of most other organs in the UN.
Love it when people talk but have no clue what they’re talking about. Trying to make themselves sound all educated. Funny!
if you presume to be talking from the “educated” perspective, i would be interested to see why you think my statement was wrong. I mean I understand it may be a little inflated but I was just trying to show that its kind of bullshit to say that US doesn’t have more powers than other countries in the UN.
The US didnt just happen to become the wealthiest country in the world. You guys became that rich by structuring the global order to suit your interests and plunder the wealth of other nations. So dont give me that ccondescending BS about America selfishly helping out the world, that’s just not true. You plundered the world.
Oh and those corrupt governents you talk about? The US actively keeps them in power. It is the largest supplier of military equipment to horrible dictatorships that use it on their own people.
So Holland was able to defeat Hitler without us?? Charles Ray…and oh by the way, We spent American taxpayer dollars to help Europe get back on its feet after the War.
And made gazillion amount of dollars in the process. Don’t be so blindsided!
Him blindsided? No, it’s actually you who has the wool pulled over their eyes. Get over yourself you ungrateful dolt.
Nice revisionist history Dux. The US was already the largest economy in the world going back to middle of the 19th century. Way back before the US had any power to “plunder” the world. The US wasn’t even a major military power until after mobilization for World War 1. And didn’t become a dominant “super power” until World War 2 left the rest of the world broken and devastated. The United States was the arsenal for democracy, precisely because the US had a huge industrial output, which was built prior to the US being able to impose it’s will on anyone. Our “empire” consisted of Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines, and a some fairly worthless islands in the Pacific. Nearly all of the European powers held colonies that were exploited to the Europeans benefit.
With the exception of the Spanish American war and the Mexican war, the US has never held onto any territory that we’ve militarily conquered, unlike nearly every other developed country on earth. On the whole, the US has been one of the most benevolent major powers in earth history. So get over yourself.
You also took Hawaii and yes you mentioned the Philippines. Don’t forget the islands you took under “lend lease” . Your Munroe doctrine was a pretty imperialistic statement of intent with the “manifest destiny”. Have you forgotten how many treatises the “white man” tore up with the native Indians/Americans (I can keep up with the different pc terms”
The US kinda does have this. Since they have a veto power, than can block any resolution from occurring in the UN. Thus in a way if they wanna say no, the vote of the US counts as 100% of the votes.
Only in the Security Council In the General Assembly, the US vote counts exactly the same as Nepal.
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Please put the 1.2 Billion$ the US are contributing to UN in relation with the 590billion$ the US are spending every year for his army. This billion is peanuts. But probably much more effective for peace, than any of the other 590 ones.
$590B is spend on US army who are also their citizens. $1.6B is spend on a Org that constantly tells America to crew you
FRANZ …………..THAT is pure hearsay………….provide EVIDENCE for that please………
……………or do the RIGHT THING and retract it !
The USA by being MILITARILY STRONG is the ONLY THING that has given “us” , the
entire World , relative peace since WW11.
The UN has been useless and corrupt for a long time now and deserves to be DISBANDED.
Mind you…….that is just my opinion !
Pingback: (WIP) Leaving the UN
Comment dites-vous cela?
Ask me no questions and I’ll tell no lies.
This data has more to do with Hindia trying to promote itself as nice guys when in reality its the boogeyman of SARC- RAW having created and trained terrorist at Bangladesh, Sri Lanka Nepal. – Mukti Bahini, LTTE…
Ronald Reagan turned a blind eye to Franco of Spain and Alvarez of Portugal yet non of the citizens die of hunger then and now.
30 years of WTO and 1.38 billion Mandarin speakers do not go hungry and there is plenty and more.
While at the adjoining land of 1.34 billion after 70 years of independence and ruled by
ancestors of Turco-Mongol’s hunger, death, population explosion and graft is a way of life.
Politicians have no shame in passing the buck expecting Caritas to rescue them
A greedy nation of hindutavas planning to take on the world stage by fraud.
AMAL PERERA “Ask me no questions and I’ll tell no lies.”
But YOU did !
“Ronald Reagan turned a blind eye to Franco of Spain and Alvarez of Portugal yet non of the citizens die of hunger then and now.”
Reagan was PRESIDENT of the US in 1981 to 1989.
Franco took over in 1939 and was DEAD in 1975……..nothing much to do with Reagan then !
In the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939 many places were under siege , especially in Madrid “And because of the different illnesses and problems that hunger caused, there are no figures on how many people actually died from poor diet.”
But “Spanish Civil War: Casualties. Available information suggests that there were about 500,000 deaths from all causes during the Spanish Civil War. An estimated 200,000 died from combat-related causes. Of these, 110,000 fought for the Republicans and 90,000 for the Nationalists.”
DISEASE , HUNGER , QUIZAS ????? Who knows ……BUT NONE is certainly INCORRECT.
I think that you “had better think it out again” !
Regards , Trevor.
Good Job, Trevor! And one more thing…..the reason the Mandarin speaking people are no longer going hungry is because dumb twit Nixon (who I voted for) brought them into the WTO and greedy American CEO’s gave away American jobs in the millions bankrupting and destroying Middle America. What do they care…..they got bigger yachts and more vacation homes! That’s right….wealth from America fed the Mandarin people!
the usa spends about 1.25 bils on the u.n. – 22 pct of u.n.’s 5.6 bil budget. usa spends about 10 times that money on foreign aid on a few select countries that have strong lobbies in washinton dc. may be the u.n. might get more money if it has a lobbying office in washington dc.
How do UN member states stack up against the amount countries are assessed or expected to contribute?
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Make the 5 countries who contribute the most the Permanant members of the Security Council, and Votes in the general assembly proportional to each contries contribution. It only make sense that votes on spending money should be proportional to the amount you contribute
If China’s economy is comparable to that of the USA. Why are they paying just under 8%? The USA is paying 22%. We are getting screwed!
Only in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity), otherwise the GDP of China still remains lower than the US’s. And that is the crook of the matter, what the US is really concerned is not its participation, but the fact that China may surpass their GDP and become more powerful at the UN table. Don’t be fooled by all the whining. What the US want to keep is their supremacy at the UN and NATO’s tables, by far the largest channels to their weapons and military equipment revenue streams.
What supremacy? The US has a veto power in the security council, as do the other 4 permanent members. As to the weapons sales, if the US does not do it, Russia will. Is that preferable?
If the US contribution was lowered to let’s say 10% and as a result its veto right taken away, Americans would be whining the same way or even more.
Americans, mostly white Americans I have to say, have become so whiny and so self-entitled. How did it turn out to be that way?
You comment makes no sense. So the US loses it’s veto power on the Security Council by taking it’s contribution down to 10%, but France, Britain, Russia, and China keep theirs while paying 4.8%, 4.4%, 3.1%, and 7.9% respectively? Perhaps the five permanent Security Council members should all be required to pay an equal share of say…10% of the budget to keep their veto instead? That would mean the UK and France would have to increase their spending by more than 100%, the Russians by triple, and the Chinese by 50%
Even at 10% of the bill, less than half of what the US pays, it would still be the single largest contributor. That kind of puts it into perspective.
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at the end of the day who does this burden fall on?
seems to me,,,, we are expected to all give more, get less,,,, and tote the cost and burdens of lesser countries, or at least pay up for their inability to pay their fair share
Pingback: As China’s influence in UN peacekeeping grows, is India doing enough?
Sorry, just pointing out but the very first fact that’s stated here is wrong; the international organisation of scouting has over 200 countries actively participating, making ‘UN’ the second largest international organisation 🙂
WRONG ! There are 169 MEMBER countries and 58 participating countries and territories
where ‘scouting’ exists.
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This UN is ludicrous, worse, it is destroying the planet at exponential rate. What’s that, can’t hear you? Am I talking out of my ass you say? NO I DON’T THINK SO, the UN has no accountability, no responsibility, nobody to blame for destruction. The UN has gone into all these underdeveloped countries and almost forced them to accept modern living, they have promoted population growth everywhere they go. CO2 is going to sky rocket to over a 1000ppm in near future due to the UN mischief it has caused. As usual they continue to look for special gimmicks to keep growth going. WE NEED NO MORE GROWTH TODAY! If anybody does not understand what I am talking about then they are seriously not connected to the present. The UN, IMF, and World Bank need to be discontinued as they are no longer functionable in 21st century.
Dr DIGIT ! “This UN is ludicrous, worse, it is destroying the planet at exponential rate.”
“The UN, IMF, and World Bank need to be discontinued as they are no longer functional now”
YES……. AGREE…….BUT for totally different reasons to THOSE YOU ESPOUSED.
The UN is totally CORRUPT. Good intentions (lots of platitudes) BUT basically a MARXIST ,
ANTI-WESTERN-WORLD AGENDA intended to DESTROY “our” way of life under a
Admittedly…………EQUALLY BADLY…………overall…..but as in Orwell’s “Animal Farm” novel….
“All animals are equal , but some animals are more equal than others”…….and I don’t think
that is meant to include ANY WESTERNERS or AMERICAN ANIMALS !
For MARXISM to succeed then CAPITALISM has to be destroyed.
The COMPARISON between the two is TOO STARK .
MARXISM doesn’t produce WEALTH which means it just can’t compete with CAPITALISM
as was shown by both the Russian and Chinese “EXPERIMENTS” which destroyed hundreds
of millions of people and their cumulative wealth.in the process.
So , MARXISTS , their precious THEORY destroyed and debunked , rather than being HONEST and admitting that failure , persisted with their UTOPIAN IDEALS , “went underground” into the “Green” movement and “Academia” where they now hold sway.
From there they PONTIFICATE from “THE MORAL HIGH-GROUND” to the rest of us about
HOW “we” in the WESTERN CIVILISATION are destroying the precious planet with our
industry and our industries ! TOTAL BULLSHITE but it is gaining traction through REPETITION.
The “Global Warming Catastrophists” , or “Cimate Change Catastrophists ” ( inter-changeable)
have , in COLLUSION WITH THE UN IPCC and other organisatons of similar ilk , devised a
method of destroying CAPITALISM’S WEALTH PRODUCING INDUSTRIES , and that is to
declare CARBON DIOXIDE a “pollution” , a “green-house-gas” of formidable magnitude and
the necessity to REDUCE IT to “save the planet” ! UNFORTUNATELY , all the MENDICANT
UN MEMBERS , anticipating HUGE REPARATIONS , have supported this totally false
and preposterous and ANTI-HUMAN propaganda and are in the process of FOISTING IT
AND THEN ALONG CAME TRUMP………and a CHINK OF DAYLIGHT penetrated the previously impenetrable smokescreen ………..thank goodness ! He pulled the US out of that stupid
“Paris Perpetrated Plunderous Pact ” to which Obama had already “donated” $3 Billion !!!
It will be years before “extraction is fully achieved” but along with THAT I wish he would
pull the USA out of those “other organisations ” you mentioned !!
AND……NO…..POPULATION GROWTH IS SLOWING DOWN. Less kids per family now !
As people become MORE AFFLUENT and secure they DON’T NEED AS MANY OFFSPRING !
CAPITALISM works wonders wherever it is put to work. Africa and Asia are responding
magnificently….AND taking better care of themselves AND their environment !
longer before OTHER COUNTRIES realise that they too have been scammed !
Whether they have sufficient HUMILITY or whether HUBRIS prevails is yet to be seen………..
BUT as MORE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE accumulates it is becoming EVIDENT that
CARBON DIOXIDE [ which is at historically very LOW LEVELS at the moment ] is acting
beneficially as a fertiliser and the PLANET IS GREENING and THRIVING !
By all means allow for SOME warming…….after all “we” are coming out of an ICE-AGE…..
in fact “we” are just in an INTER-GLACIAL WARM PERIOD inside AN EXISTING ICE-AGE….
BUT there is never going to be problems that “we” can’t adapt to and thrive as well.
NOW…….what would be CALAMITOUS would be the onset of ANOTHER ICE AGE !
As recently as 10,000 years ago , my “ancestral homeland” of Scotland was BENEATH
a mile thick ice-sheet….as was much of North America…….so…..without SOME beneficial
“climate change” I wouldn’t exist either !
Perhaps THERE will be MORE GENIUSES and they will help improve man-kind as well !
All that “green” , MARXIST , ANTI-HUMAN STUFF has clouded your vision I think !
MORE PEOPLE will come up with MORE SOLUTIONS !!!!
In the meantime , keep up the pressure to “make America Great ” still !
Regards , Trevor.
Pingback: How Blockchain Could Finally Unite the United Nations – Bitcoin World Tour
So, you do recognize foreign debt as a factor
The USA has 22 Trillion in debt
So, should we contribute less?
YES and NO !!!
Americans ARE by nature GENEROUS PEOPLE and it would harm your self-image if you were
to curtail that innate generosity !……….so NO !
The UN is a totally compromised , corrupted and is bereft of actual utility……….put simply ……..
SO……………….no more money…………..from THE US ………………………..or anybody else !
Withdrawal of US funds alone would CLOSE IT DOWN.
The “few useful functions” could be taken over by “THE BILL AND MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION ”
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation https://www.gatesfoundation.org/
We seek to unlock the possibility inside every individual. We see equal value in all lives. And so we are dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals …
reason that THE USA DEBT could be “alleviated first” before further FINANCIAL SUPPORT
resumed from the US Government……………………so YES !
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So, where will the reduced taxpayer money go now and how can we track it in real time ?
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Pingback: Le profonde crisi NATO, politica e legale: l’obiettivo del 2% come analfabetismo di difesa | Jan Oberg – Centro Studi Sereno Regis