In light of the recent 2022 general election to the Punjab Assembly, a video of MP and AAP’s Chief Ministerial candidate Bhagwant Mann engaging in a verbal spat with a journalist during a press conference is being widely circulated with a claim alluding that it is a recent incident. Through this article, let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Video of Bhagwant Mann engaging in a verbal spat with a journalist.
Fact: The video dates back to December 2019, when Bhagwant Mann engaged in a verbal spat with a journalist during a press conference. Multiple news agencies have reported the incident back then. This video has nothing to do with the current election. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
The video dates back to December 2019 and has nothing do with the recently held assembly elections in the state of Punjab. Google search with relevant keywords yielded multiple 2019 news reports which reported the same visuals.
According to one such news report, Bhagwant Mann got angry over a journalist’s question regarding his party’s presence in the state.
Multiple news agencies reported this back then. A couple of such reports can be read here and here. From these, it is clearly evident that the video has nothing to do with the current election in the state as it is an old video.
To sum it up, old video of Bhagwant Mann engaging in a verbal spat with a journalist is being shared as a recent one.