A social media post that shares the news about the murder of a drug inspector in Punjab is being widely shared as if the incident happened in recent times. As per the post, Neha Shoree, a drug inspector in Punjab was shot dead by a chemist. Through this article let’s fact-check the claim made in the post.

Claim: Details of recent murder of a drug inspector in Punjab.
Fact: This is an old incident and does not represent the current law and order situation in Punjab. Back in 2019, Neha Shoree, a drug inspector was shot dead in her office by a chemist. Neha reportedly canceled the license of the accused in 2009, for possession of unauthorised drugs. Hence the claim made in the post is MISLAEDING.
While Neha Shoree, a drug inspector was indeed shot dead, the incident is not a recent one but took place in 2019. Google search with keywords yielded multiple news reports that reported the incident back in 2019.
As per one such news report, Neha Shoree was shot dead in her office in Kharar by a chemist, who later committed suicide by shooting himself.

The accused reportedly used to run a chemist shop in Ropar and his license had been cancelled by Dr. Shoree in 2009 for keeping unauthorized drugs, the report added.
The then chief minister of the state Amarinder Singh had ordered an investigation into the incident. Few other news reports which reported the news back then can be read here & here. These articles clearly prove that the incident is old and does not represent the current situation in Punjab.
To sum it up, old news of the murder of a drug inspector in Punjab is passed off as recent.