An image with Kirron Kher’s quote on rapes is being shared by many users with the claim that she said rapes are part of the tradition and cannot be stopped. Let’s try to analyze the claim made in the post.

Claim: Kirron Kher: “Rapes are happening from ages, it is part of the tradition, we cannot stop them.”
Fact: Kirron Kher did not say that rapes are part of the tradition and cannot be stopped. Her words were twisted to claim that she made the above statements. She said that rapes can be stopped by changing the mindset of the people. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
When searched for the statements made by Kirron Kher on rapes, an article published by ANI can be found in the search results. According to the article, Kirron Kher said, ‘Such incidents have been taking place since forever. Only change in the mindset can bring about a change. Change in society starts from within a family”. Her statements on rapes in Haryana can be watched in a video uploaded by Times of India in January 2018. She did not say that rapes are part of the tradition and cannot be stopped. But she said that rapes can be stopped by changing the mindset of people and by giving equal status to women in the family.

To sum it up, Kirron Kher did not say that rapes cannot be stopped.
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