India, Prime Minister, RTI, Stories

How does the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) deal with the petitions received?


Being the most important government office in the country, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) receives a lot of petitions/letters each day. But how does the PMO deal with such petitions? Here is a look at the guidelines followed in dealing with such petitions.


Being the most important government office in the country, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) must be receiving a lot of petitions/complaints/ representations/letters each day. Technology has also made it easier to lodge such petitions. But how does the PMO deal with the many petitions that it receives? What is the procedure followed? Factly filed an application under the RTI act to find out.

Two categories of Petitions

As per the reply received from the PMO’s public wing, there are certain guidelines to deal with the petitions received in the public wing.  All the petitions received in this wing are categorized into

  • Actionable Petitions and
  • Non-actionable Petitions

Prime Minister’s Office Petitions_Guidelines

How is the categorization done?

As per the existing guidelines, the following types of petitions are categorized as non-actionable petitions.

  • Petitions not directly addressed to the PM or the PMO, but only a copy is endorsed to the PM/PMO
  • Anonymous petitions
  • Unsigned petitions
  • Petitions containing frivolous suggestions (Decision whether it is frivolous or not will be taken after the approval of Under Secretary (Public))
  • Petitions containing comments without any specific grievance
  • Letters written in foul indecent language
  • Meaningless letters which are vague in nature
  • Requests for nomination to different commissions, bodies, routine request for awards, routine requests for jobs, request for financial assistance
  • Request for free/concession tickets
  • Letters from foreigners highlighting India’s international matters
  • Letters asking for favours like the following items
    • Routine requests for admission to schools/colleges
    • Routine requests for agency/dealership
    • Routine requests for shop/kiosk/Tehbazari etc
    • Routine request for allotment of land/house/flat etc

Prime Minister’s Office Petition_non actionable petitions

Only four different types of petitions are considered as actionable petitions.

  • Petition containing specific grievances
  • Petitions alleging corruption in any Ministry/Department/ Organization of Government of India/ State Government or any public servant
  • Petitions containing significant suggestions
  • Petitions seeking appointment with the PM

Prime Minister’s Office Petition_actionable petitions

As per the guidelines, in case of a doubt about categorization of any petition, the Under Secretary (Public) will decide if it’s to be acted upon or not.

What happens then?

As per the guidelines, all non-actionable petitions are filed and no acknowledgement is sent to the petitioner. But in case of actionable petitions, the following actions are taken.

  • All actionable petitions highlighting specific grievances are forwarded to the concerned Secretaries/ Chief Secretaries of the Ministries/ State Governments. Reports may be called on petitions containing grievances which are severe in nature.
  • In case of any complaint regarding corruption, the same is sent through the Under Secretary (Public) to the sectoral officer in charge of Anti-Corruption unit of PMO, who will in turn decide on one of the following courses of action
    • Complaint may be filed in the public wing
    • Complaint will be examined in the PMO or
    • Complaint may be forwarded to the concerned Ministry/Department/ State Government through the public wing directly
  • All such petitions which have been decided as significant by the Under Secretary (Public), will be sent to the sectoral officer who will decide on one of the following courses of action
    • Send it back to the public wing for filing or
    • Forward it to the concerned Secretaries/ Chief Secretaries of the Ministries/ State Governments through the public wing. If the suggestions pertain to various ministries in the Government of India, then the petition may be sent to the Cabinet Secretary for appropriate action through the public wing or
    • Process on file the suggestion in the PMO
  • Petitions requesting for appointment with the PM received in the public wing are sent to the Personal Section for taking a decision
  • A copy of the petition which is forwarded to the concerned Ministry/Department/ Organization of Government of India/ State Government will also be endorsed to the petitioner as acknowledgement.

Prime Minister’s Office Petition_actionable petitions acknowledgement

How many such petitions does the PMO receive?

Though the latest information is not available, a total of 1,07,775 petitions were received in the public wing in the 18 month period between 1st May 2013 and 31st October 2014. This is an average of 6000 petitions a month or 200 such petitions a day.

Prime Minister’s Office Petitions_number of petitions

Featured Image:By Shivang Dubey (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons


About Author

Rakesh has been working on issues related to Right to Information (RTI) for a decade. He is a Data/Information enthusiast & passionate about Governance/Policy issues.


  1. Pingback: | How Does the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Deal With The Petitions Received?

  2. That is humongous amount of petitions and glad to hear that there are guidelines in place to sift through them and find the actionable ones

  3. The actual procedure being followed (contrary to what is laid down),: one experienced sub-staff sorts out the petitions received once or twice in a month department wise. A section officer, just fills up the uniform format with name of petitioner with address in a letter to each dept., as covering schedule, and all the bunch of petitions will be sent to concerned dept, reducing PMO just as a post office sorting center.. Some times it may also be written that they need not refer back to PMO on action taken, and a copy of such covering schedule containing all petitioners’ name will be sent by ordinary post. Unless some one is known to you in higher circles, every petition is just a piece of paper to PMO and it is not true to say that they read the petition even. (This was a practice during UPA regime, and may be NDA has not brought in any new rules or staff that bring development / change in existing structure.

  4. Once the PMO (concerned under secretary) sends the directions to the concerned dept, there is no follow up, and hence there is a lot of delay in taking further action. This may at times render the complaint futile and the corrupt govt officer goes scot free

    • The easiest way (though it never works, but a record is created) filing grievance to concerned dept., in pgportal on line directly. This is also futile exercise but no expenses are involved and an acknowledgment will be available for further follow up

  5. vikrant kumar thakur on

    माननीय मोदी जी में आपसे सहायता चाहता हु की मैं और मेरे कुछ साथी ने एक वकील को रुपये दिए थे जो की वो हमे ऑस्टेलिया भेजने के लिए हा भरी थी और हमे समय 45 दिन का दिया था जो की अब 6 महीने बीतने वाले है हम सभी ने उनसे फ़ोन पे बात करने की कोशिश भी करी है तो वो कभी भी सही समय नही बताते है और हमे काफी दिनों से समय पे समय दे रहे है और न ही हमे कोई कोई सही तरह का दिलाशा दे पा रहे है और हम सब यहाँ पर बहुत दिनों से परेशान चल रहे है ये मेरे और बाकी लोगो के लिए बहुत सुखद समाचार है। मेरी आप से यही विनती है की इस पर मुझे कोई सुझाव दे या हम सब की प्रॉब्लम का समाधान करे हम काफी दिनों से परेशान चल रहे है हमारी सारी पूंजी भी इसी में लग गई है । और न तो वो हमारे रुपये वापिस करने का कोई हामी नही भर रहे है । ये सब फ्रोड गिरी का काम पता नही कितने सालो से चला रहे है मैं इस संसार में और किसी को नही जनता और न ही कोई और हम जैसे गरीब की मदद कर सकता है । अंत आप से हाथ जोड़ क्र निवेदन है की हमारी जलद ही कोई मदद करे मैं आपसे उम्मीद लगाये बैठा हु । कृपया कर के इस समाधान का हल निकलने।

    मुझे आपसे काफी सारी बात करनी है जो हमारे साथ दिनों दिन आपबीती होती है।

  6. Sushant Kumar Dwivedi on

    सेवा में ,
    माननीय प्रधानमंत्री महोदय
    (भारत सरकार)
    महाशय ,
    नम्र निवेदन यह है कि मैं सुशांत कुमार द्धिवेदी,पिता :-कमल नयन द्धिवेदी ,ग्राम+पोस्ट :-मोआप कलां, थाना इमादपुर ,जिला:-भोजपुर (आरा)बिहार का स्थाई निवासी हूँ !मैं एक दैनिक समाचार पत्र दैनिक जागरण में महिला & बाल विकास योजना के नाम विज्ञापन देखा जिसमे आंगनबाड़ी सर्वेयर ,टीचर ,सी .डी,पी.ओ इत्यादि पदों के लिए रिक्ति प्रकाशित कि गयी थी !इन पदों के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन, संस्था कि वेबसाइट www .womenicds .in पर करना था !मैंने सभी दिशा निर्देशों का पालन करते हुए ऑनलाइन आवेदन किया !लगभग एक माह के बाद मेरे निवास पर स्पीडपोस्ट के माध्यम से कुछ दस्तवेज प्राप्त हुए जिसपर भारत के राष्ट्र चिन्ह के साथ ,वीमेन &चाइल्ड डेवलोपमेंट योजना ,रोज़गार रिक्रूटमेंट डिपार्टमेंट सर्विस (RRD SERVICES )बिल्डिंग न.-13 ,teah Zone ,यमुना एक्सप्रेस वे ,ग्रेटर नॉएडा अंकित था !इस दस्तवेज में मुझसे 14800 रूपए ट्रैनिग amount कि मांग की गई जो रिफण्डेबल बताया गया है दिए निर्देश` के अनुसार डॉ संजना वालिया मोबाइल -न.07065617757 से मेरे मोबाइल न.9939946363 पर सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया ,A /C no -3354856025 शाखा -शाहदरा नई दिल्ली ,IFSC कोड-मोअप कलां CBIN0280294 मैसेज भेजा गया !इस राशि का भुगतान मैंने मध्य बिहार ग्रामीण बैंक ,मोआप कलां ,A / C no -70580100027288 से NEFT से किया !इसके दो दिन बाद संजना वालिया ने कॉल करके पुनः 9300 भुगतन करने को कहा जो रिफंडेबल verification amount है !इस सम्बन्ध में एक चार्जलिस्ट मेरे ईमेल sushantdwivedi95 @gmail .com पर मेल किया गया !मैंने इसका भी भुगतान उपरोक्त खाते से 9300 NEFT26/05 /2017 को किया ! राशि जमा के बाद संजना वालिया ने बताया की इसके बाद verificatoin किया जायेगा और 9300 की राशि रिफंड कर दी जाएगी !साथ ही लैपटॉप ,joining लेटर दिया जायेगा !
    पुनः दिनांक-30 /05/2017 को मोबाइल no -+918743810586 से कॉल कर मुकेश कुमार नाम का व्यक्ति अपने को वेरिफिकेशन अफसर बताकर एक्सिस बैंक के खाता संख्या -916010021172938 पर 17200 रूपए तत्काल जमा करने को कहा !उसने कहा कि बिना 17200 की राशि जमा किये वेरिफिकेशन नहीं होगा !और कोई paisa रिफंड नहीं होगा !संजना वालिया ने भी यही बात कही ! जब मैंने 17200 रूपए के लिए लिखित प्रमाण मांगा तो ,साफ इंकार कर गए !संजना वालिया ने बताया की 01 /06 /2017 से आपका ट्रैनिग है इस लिए 17200 के बजाय 7000 रूपए फ़िलहाल जमा कर दो और शेष सोमवार को जमा कर देना !जब मैंने भोजपुर में wcd का पता पूछा तो संजना वालिया द्वारा मैसेज किया पता इस प्रकार है -wcd bhojpur sec -44 ganga nager opp hp petrol pump !जबकि पुरे भोजपुर में इस नाम का कोई जगह नहीं है !इन बातों से मुझे ठगी का संदेह हुआ !चूँकि इस संस्था द्वारा भारत के राष्ट्र चिन्ह और मुहर का उपयोग किया गया है, अतः मैं झांसे में आ गया !
    अतः श्रीमान से करबद्ध प्रार्थना है कि उपरोक्त सारी बातों को ध्यान में रखते हुए इस संस्था पर यथाशीघ्र उचित करवाई करने कि कृपा करे!जिससे इस प्रकार कि संस्था राष्ट्र चिन्ह और मुहर दुरपयोग कर बेरोज़गारों को झांसे में लेकर ठगी का शिकार न बना सकें !और फर्जी करने का कुकृत्य न करे !
    इसके लिए मैं आपका सदैव आभारी रहूँगा !
    आपका विश्वासी
    सुशांत कुमार द्धिवेदी
    पिता :-कमल नयन द्धिवेदी
    ग्राम+पो :-मोआप कलां
    जिला ;-भोजपुर (आरा)बिहार
    मोबाइल न.-9939946363
    ईमेल -sushantdwivedi95 @gmail .com

  7. Administrative corruption is the main cause of public dissatisfaction. Supreme Court directions violated by Police. Specific cases given to Home Ministry via number of CPGRAMS latest Nos. being MINHA/e/2017/06451, 05516, 05007, 04756. Requested Vigilance inquiry. I as a Social Worker, retired Senior Govt. Officer of 90 years am contacting Home Ministry for over one year. The police are shielding their erring staff as a result of which innocent families are being ruined in false 498a/406 cases. REQUEST PMO to direct Vigilance Inquiry and I shall provide all assistance. I am referring two FIRs viz. 43/2016 – PS Janak Puri and 303/2016 – PS Patel Nagar.

  8. In continuation to my earlier Email, I submit that more than 50 percent of public dissatisfaction and Court Cases is that of flouting RULE BOOK by officials as they think that they are above law. 498A/406 are misused by Police and the Supreme Court in its speaking orders have stated that this Law is being misused by disgruntled wives as a weapon instead of shield and by Police for distorting money. Thousands of innocent families have been ruined. Complaints to Home Ministry are forwarded by them to Police Commissioner, who tries to shield his erring juniors, but, it gives bad impression of governance in public mind and resultant dissatisfaction in public and spoiling the image of govt. To restore public faith in govt. the specific cases mentioned by me may kindly be got investigated through senior. Officers and stringent action taken against violators of RULE BOOK. It will certainly improve the honest image of Govt.

  9. Here , i complained to PMO office then after i got email on my email id.and the same day i email to officer (who watch my complain) to delete my complaint because of my problem is solved . but , they have not seen my email and now complaint take action, but how can i cancel this application. my email id

  10. The pension of my Sister in law Smt. Nirmla Devi w/o late Sh.Chand Ram Kaushik , residence of Village & Post Office Dhansa, New Delhi -73 has not been released since June 2017 by PF Office Wazir Pur Delhi so far. Her PPO No. is 38437 and account No. 360010100054311. In this connection, I have number of times send mailed to PF Office Wazir Pur Delhi, but no action has been taken nor any intimation received from PF Office. She is alive on date. Sh is very poor lady and she has not any source for income except the family pension.

    Kindly look in to the matter and take necessary action in this mater as you may deem fit.


    माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी , भ्रष्टाचार को खत्म करने के लिए आप के द्वारा आमजन को भागीदार बनाने के लिए भ्रष्टाचार की शिकायतों के लिए पोर्टल बनाये गये जो की एक सराहनीय कदम है , किन्तु पोर्टल की शिकायत निस्तारण प्रकिया शून्य – ओपचरिकता है . पोर्टल पर समय -समय पर सुझाव भी दिए गये किन्तु उनका क्रियान्वन नहीं किया गया , जिसके फलस्वरूप भ्रष्टाचार – सामाजिक विषमता और आर्थिक की खाई और ज्यादा बड़ी होती जा रही है .
    पोर्टल की शिकायत को राज्य सरकार के साथ सम्बंधित विभाग को प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय से प्रेषित किया जावे –
    निस्तारण अधिकारी के निर्णय का सम्पूर्ण विवरण पोर्टल पर उपलब्ध होना चाहिए –
    समयावधि में पोर्टल की शिकायत का निस्तारण किया जाना चाहिए —
