A social media post claiming that fake Amul butter products have entered the market is being widely shared. The post accompanies a video that explains the striking differences between the original pack and the duplicate pack, allegedly made in China. Let’s fact-check the authenticity of the video shared in the post.
Claim: Video comparing original Amul pack with that of a duplicate pack.
Fact: Both the packs shown in the video are genuine Amul packs, manufactured in India. As the video went viral, Amul issued a clarification stating that the new pack bears a vegetarian logo as per the latest FSSAI advisory. Hence the claim made in the post is FALSE.
Both the Amul butter packs shown in the viral video are indeed genuine and manufactured in India.
Google search with relevant keywords led us to a tweet by Amul, which clarified about the viral video. As per the clarification both the packs shown in the video are genuine Amul packs and are manufactured in India.
It stated that video shows two packs, of which one carried old packing, whereas the other carried new packing, as per the latest FSSAI advisory. Further, it clarified that the new pack bears a veg logo on the front of the pack in accordance with FSSAI new rule.
Fake Amul butter racket busted in the past:
However, it is noteworthy to mention that earlier in 2018, Mumbai police busted a fake butter racket, selling spurious butter in the name of Amul butter. Police seized 1000kgs of fake butter along with dubious Amul packing material (here & here).
To sum it up, both the packs shown in the video are indeed genuine Amul packs.