A photo through a post is being widely shared on social media claiming that the image of two young brothers was from a recent road accident in Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh. Let us fact-check the claim made in the post.
Claim: Photo of two young brothers who died in a road accident in Hardoi recently.
Fact: This photo has been shared at least since 2019 by Nepali news sites on Facebook. So, it is not a recent photo. We could not find any recent articles of any road accident in Hardoi in Uttar Pradesh. Hence, the claim made in the post is MISLEADING.
When reverse image search is done on the photo, the same photo is found in a Facebook post uploaded in 2020, which means the photo is old and not a recent one. The Facebook post uploaded on 19 November 2020 is by ‘Nepal Khabar’, a Nepali news website.
On further search, we found several Facebook posts from 2019 with the same photo. The last upload was from 07 June 2019, by ‘Madhesh Express News’ Facebook page. But we could not find any recent articles of any road accident in Hardoi in Uttar Pradesh.
To sum it up, an old photo is shared as two brothers who died recently in a road accident in Hardoi.